2022 Annual Report | Division for Teaching Excellence


TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ACRONYMS 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE 5 OPERATING CONTEXT 6 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS 8 The 2022 achievements of the Division 9 RISKS 10 HUMAN RESOURCES 11 STRATEGIC FOCUS 13 2022 CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE DTE 14 Institutional Audit 15 Vice Chancellor’s (VC) Distinguished Awards 15 UJ 2023 Teaching and Learning Strategy 18 Coordination of Universities South Africa (USAf)/ Higher Education Leadership Management Programme (HELM) training programmes 19 SPECIAL PROJECTS 20 Future Professors Programme ”Phase II (FPP)” 20 New Generation Academic Programme (nGAP) 28 Nurturing Emerging Scholars Programme (NESP) 34 Monitoring and reporting for NESP 33 Accelerating Transformation and the Accelerated Academic Mentorship Programme (AAMP) 37 Assistant Lecturers’ Development Programme 47 Initiatives in Support of the Academic Journey 49 Teaching Innovation Fund (TIF) 54 CENTRE FOR ACADEMIC STAFF DEVELOPMENT (CASD) 58 Academic Preparation Programme (APP) and Follow-Up Workshops 60 Head of Department (HoD) Induction Workshop and Follow-Up Workshops 63 Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education 64 Teaching and Module Evaluations 64 Peer Evaluations 65 Teaching Portfolio Assessment Committee 65 Blended Tutoring Programme 66 CENTRE FOR ACADEMIC PLANNING AND QUALITY PROMOTION (CAPQP) 69 Internal Reviews 71 Academic Planning 72 The Role of the Programme Working Group 74 Feedback on the Programme Review Process and Support from CAPQP 76 Quality Promotion 79 UNIVERSITY EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES 86 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 89 CONCLUSION AND THE WAY FORWARD 91 PUBLICATIONS 92 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 1

LIST OF ACRONYMS 4IR Fourth Industrial Revolution AAMP Accelerated Academic Mentorship Programme ADS Academic Development and Support AI Artificial Intelligence ALs Assistant Lectures APTS Academic Programme Tracking System CAA Central Academic Administration CAPQP Centre for Academic Planning and Quality Promotion CASD Centre for Academic Staff Development CAT Centre for Academic Technologies CBE College of Business and Economics CEP Continuing Education Programme CESM Classification of Educational Subject Matter CHE Council on Higher Education CRLA College Reading and Learning Association DAPQPASD Division for Academic Planning, Quality Promotion and Academic Staff Development DHET Department of Higher Education and Training DIPEM Division for Institutional Planning, Evaluation and Monitoring DTE Division for Teaching Excellence DVC Deputy Vice-Chancellor ECSA Engineering Council of South Africa ELG Executive Leadership Group ERT Emergency Remote Teaching FADA Faculty of Art, Design, and Architecture FEBE Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment FHS Faculty of Health Science FoL Foundations of Leadership FPP Future Professors Programme GBV Gender Based Violence HEIs Higher Education Institutions HELM Higher Education Leadership Management 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 2

HOD Head of Department HPCSA Health Professions Council of South Africa ICS Information and Communication Service ICT Information and Communication Technology MEC Management Executive Committee NESP Nurturing Emerging Scholars Programme nGAP New Generation Academic Programme PGDIP HE Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education PhD Doctor of Philosophy PQM Programme and Qualifications Mix PWG Programme Working Group SACPCMP South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions SACPLAN South African Council for Planners SACQSP South African Council for the Quantity Surveying SANC South African Nursing Council SAQA South African Qualifications Authority SAULT Southern African Learning and Teaching SDG Sustainable Development Goals SENEX Senate Executive Committee SER Self-Evaluation Report SLP Short Learning Programme STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics STLC Senate Teaching and Learning Committee TAU Teaching Advancement at Universities TIF Teaching Innovation Fund UCDP University Capacity Development Programme UJ University of Johannesburg URC University Research Committee USAf Universities South Africa WIL Work Integrated Learning 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 3

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In keeping with University of Johannesburg’s pledge to provide quality higher education learning and teaching, the Division for Teaching Excellence (DTE) supports teaching excellence across all its activities and projects. The work of the Division spans a wide range of national and university projects directed at the holistic development of academic staff, and programmes, at all levels, rewarding teaching excellence, providing tutor training and support, programme development, and quality assurance. In addition to the projects managed and administered by the Division, the Centre for Academic Planning and Quality Promotion (CAPQP), and the Centre for Academic Staff Development (CASD) focus on supporting academic development across its various dimensions. The work of the Division and its Centres is designed strategically to meet the University’s goals and objectives and respond in multiple ways to support the academic project. Central to the Division’s work is providing academics with the tools needed to develop responses to the rapidly changing higher education environment, a need that peaked with the COVID-19 pandemic. Against this backdrop, the Division and its Centres ensure that curriculum and academic transformation in the University continue and that academics are supported in all areas within the scope of the Division’s activities. This Annual Report demonstrates the effectiveness of the wide-ranging interventions spearheaded by the Division in 2022, and of the integrated and coherent efforts made to enhance the quality of teaching in the continuous pursuit of excellence. The report is characterised by a demonstration of the huge effort and productivity of the Division which has been validated by achievement of outcomes and positive feedback received. For the year reported on, relevance, innovation and a constant reimagining of the work of the Division is evident. 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 4

GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE On 1 May 2022, the Division for Academic Planning, Quality Promotion and Academic Staff Development (DAPQPASD) was renamed the Division for Teaching Excellence (DTE). The name change was made to more accurately reflect the Division’s role in the achievement of the University’s strategic vision. The DTE is able to give effect to its mandate across a wide range of projects and activities which foster teaching excellence, facilitate the design and accreditation of new programmes and the renewal of existing programmes, promote quality and excellence in teaching, and lead, manage, administer and maintain university and national projects. Several projects in the Division are funded through the University Capacity Development Programme (UCDP), and the work serves to enhance internal capacity and quality through intensive engagements with internal and external stakeholders The DTE is under the leadership of the Senior Director, Dr Kirti Menon and reports to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic. The work of the Division is spread across the Division itself and its two dedicated centres: the Centre for Academic Planning and Quality Promotion (CAPQP) and the Centre for Academic Staff Development (CASD) each of which is under the leadership of a dedicated Director. With the Senior Director, the Directors focus on the integration and alignment of activities with the University’s strategy. Staff meetings of the Division are conducted quarterly, and frequent interaction between the directors means that the work of the Division is coherent and consistently evident across the University. The Division’s overall focus on teaching and learning, academic programmes, staff development and capacity in a wide range of areas integrate synergistically with the work of the other two Divisions in the DVC’s mandate. These are the Division of Academic Development and Support (ADS) and the Division for Institutional Planning, Evaluation and Monitoring (DIPEM). The collaboration and coordination of activities between the three divisions ensures coverage of the full spectrum in the academic development portfolio. The work of the Division was evident in several ways in 2022, not least of which was the successful conduct of the Council on Higher Education’s site visit. Applying a hybrid of on-line and in-person sessions coupled with tours of the four campuses allowed the Audit Panel to verify the submission made in the University’s Self-Evaluation Report (SER) and the accompanying portfolio of evidence. The entire process was a positive learning experience for the University’s participants, and the Panel was impressed not only by the depth of the engagement with the quality matters at hand, but also with the positive and meaningful engagements it had with staff, students, and other internal and external stakeholders across all domains. 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 5

OPERATING CONTEXT The work of the Division is aligned with five of the University’s strategic objectives: FIGURE 1. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF JOHANNESBURG Excellence in research and innovation 1 3 4 5 2 Excellence in teaching and learning International profile for global excellence and stature National and global reputation management Fitness for global excellence and stature 2 4 5 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 6

The Annual Report presents a summative account of the activities of 2022 with reflections on enhancements and recalibrations that may be required. 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 7

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS The Division is proud of its achievements and of the successes it has had over the preceding year. In continuing to provide essential support for excellence in teaching, the staff in the Division as a whole have worked well together across the varied projects and portfolios to continuously provide holistic, relevant and sustainable development opportunities attuned to the contemporary and continuously evolving contexts of higher education. The University’s Quality Management System and its commitment to student and staff development and support was highlighted in the CHE Audit Draft Report, with the Panel remarking on the evident transformation of the institution. To enrich and expand its own staff, members of the Division are provided with ongoing opportunities from which to learn, to expand their knowledge and acquire new skills. The Division has a key role to play in advocating for quality and staff development nationally, based on its successes and on the good work it produces. One focus area going forward for the Division is increasing its research-focus. For those less experienced in research and publishing, collaborative research projects present excellent opportunities for the development of skills in the spirit of enhanced collegiality. Several staff in the Division are actively involved in sector-level engagements at individual, institutional and national levels. Contributing to national projects such as the Future Professors Programme (FPP) Phase 2, Teaching Advancement at Universities Programme (TAU) the implementation of the new Quality Assurance Framework (QAF), and for the DHET’s National Framework for Enhancing Academics as Teachers, the Division enhances the stature and profile of the Division and the University. Enhancing this profile with the inclusion of additional staff members as role players in various other fora is an ongoing project. The Division is proud of its achievements and of the successes it has had over the preceding year. 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 8

The 2022 achievements of the Division are highlighted below: 16 standards successfully responded to as part of the CHE Audit 5 days of positive interactions between UJ staff and students as part of the CHE Audit 4 staff members with doctorates, the most recent achieved in 2022 3 staff members registered for higher degrees 4 policies related to teaching and learning updated 8 new programmes accredited by the Council on Higher Education 5 proposals for new programmes reviewed and evaluated 92 Short Learning Programmes (SLPs) reviewed 3 new programmes were submitted to the CHE for accreditation 3 title changes of programmes submitted to the Department of Higher Education and Training and the Council of Higher Education (CHE) 1 516 teaching and 146 supervision evaluations conducted 1 CESM additions submitted to DHET and CHE 4 programmes submitted for addition to the UJ Programme and Qualification Mix (PQM) clearance Active participation in standard setting activities which saw the finalisation of the new Quality Assurance Framework with the CHE and representatives of the DHET and South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) 19 graduates from the Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education 1 570 tutors trained 3 NESP scholars completed their Master’s degrees 13 nGAP scholars completed their PhDs 50 AAMP participants were promoted to various senior positions (SL, AP & P) Participation in AAMP increased to 536 5 Commentary and analyses sent to DHET, CHE and USAf of all new governmental policies pertaining to the University’s academic matters A total of 37 sessions with approximately 2 275 academics attending. These sessions addressed different topics and themes in teaching and learning. 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 9

RISKS The following risks were identified in 2022 6 Interruptions to the workflow caused by power outages, loadshedding, and water cuts. 7 The need for additional specialised capacity to manage these tasks is ongoing. 8 The impact of ERT and COVID-19 on all staff remains and requires holistic responses focusing on psychosocial and academic development. 9 Limited funds are available for the appointment of assistant lecturers (ALs) who are essential to increasing academic capacity and ensuring the sustainability of the academic project. 10 Office space continues to be problematic, with Division staff separated from each other, making collaboration challenging. 1 The impact on the University of delays caused by capacity constraints in the regulatory bodies (for example, DHET). 2 Although greatly minimised in 2021 and 2022, errors and omissions on the PQM (administered by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) need to be corrected. Much of this risk results from the DHET’s use of a manual system. 3 Ambiguities relating to CHE’s concession for the continued use of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) need continued management. 4 Department of Home Affairs processes which impact on appointments and continuing employment of academic and support staff. 5 Ongoing, rapid changes in higher education technologies and tools require equally swift capacitation of academic staff. 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 10

HUMAN RESOURCES The Division consisted of seventeen (17) permanent staff members and two staff members (2) on fixed term contracts. FIGURE 2. ORGANOGRAM OF DTE CAPQP Director Manager Coordinator Coordinator Facilitator Junior Facilitator Centre for Academic Planning, Quality Promotion Division for Teaching Excellence Senior Director Executive Secretary Coordinator Project Manager (4-year fixed term contract) Administrative Assistant (3-year fixed term contract) Coordinator Facilitator Coordinator Facilitator Administrative Assistant Facilitator Coordinator CASD Director Centre for Academic Staff Development 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 11

TABLE 1. DEMOGRAPHIC LIST OF DTE STAFF DTE Staff African Coloured Indian White Disabilities Female Male Peromnes DTE Senior Director 1 1 4 Coordinator 1 1 7 Project Manager (4-year fixed-term contract) 1 1 7 Executive Secretary 1 1 10 Administrative Assistant (3-year fixed-term contract) 1 1 12 CENTRE FOR ACADEMIC PLANNING AND QUALITY PROMOTION Director 1 1 5 Manager 1 1 6 Coordinator 1 1 7 Coordinator 1 1 7 Facilitator 1 1 8 Junior Facilitator 1 1 9 CENTRE FOR ACADEMIC STAFF DEVELOPMENT Director 1 1 5 Coordinator 1 1 7 Coordinator 1 1 7 Coordinator 1 1 8 Facilitator 1 1 8 Facilitator 1 1 8 Facilitator 1 1 8 Administrative Assistant 1 1 11 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 12

STRATEGIC FOCUS The Division’s pivotal support role in the University is effected in part through the core functions of the two centres and through the work of the Division itself. As a whole, the Division continued to make significant contributions internally and externally to the University in various ways. The Division’s staff participates in national quality initiatives and publishes and presents at a variety of events. 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 13

2022 CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE DTE The Division plays a key role in the national system, participating in national quality initiatives, commenting on policy, and undertaking relevant activities. During 2022, staff of the DTE: • Served as members of the CHE Audit Panels for the University of the Cape Town (Dr Kirti Menon) and the University of Fort Hare (Ms Gloria Castrillón) • Dr K Menon served as the Chair of the Task Team for the CHE investigation into Online and Blended Learning • Dr Naidoo (Director: CASD) is the convenor of the Teaching Advancement at Universities (TAU) Project and is also the coordinator of the Southern African Learning and Teaching (SAULT) forum. She serves on the National Coordinating Committee of the National Framework for the Enhancement of Academics as Teachers and on the editorial board of the SOTL in the South Journal. Staff in the Division continue to publish academic articles, and Dr Angie Magabane of the DTE received her doctorate. • Dr Nelia Frade was a recipient of the VC’s Distinguished Award for service beyond the normal call of duty. • Dr Nelia Frade is a Project Lead of the HELTASA Student Learning Scholarly Project Team and is part of the HELTASA Student Learning Scholarly Project Team which hosted several workshops. • Dr Kibbie Naidoo completed the UJ Women’s Leadership Development Programme. • Dr Kibbie Naidoo was nominated to serve as a member of the National Coordinating Committee and as member of the Executive Management Committee responsible for implementing the DHET’s National Framework for Enhancing Academics as Teachers and is one of four members of the national project team researching the nature and scope of the field of Academic Development across the South African Higher Education Landscape • Dr Kibbie Naidoo serves on the editorial board for the SoTL in the South Journal. • Dr Kibbie Naidoo was a participant in the Inception phase of the University Lecturer Development Programme offered by Universities South Africa. The Division plays a key role in the national system, participating in national quality initiatives, commenting on policy, and undertaking relevant activities. 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 14

Institutional Audit The CHE is conducting institutional audits across all universities in terms of the Framework for Institutional Audits (published in March 2021). The audit focus is on the internal quality assurance mechanisms of the University, transformation, social impact, and social justice. The role of technology and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) in society and data analytic capability also form part of the stated focus. The drafting of the UJ self-evaluation report (SER) was a mammoth task that was completed efficiently and professionally in time for the submission of the document to the CHE on 10 January 2022. Prior to the submission, drafts of the SER served at the various governance structures with the required amendments and suggestions taken forward. Extensive consultations were held across the University with all senior management structures, faculties, support divisions and departments, academic administration, research, and other offices bore positive and valuable results Comprehensive submissions obtained from all functional areas and all faculties were integrated into the SER. The aggregation of data, documents and evidence for the portfolio was completed on time, and the resulting SER and supporting evidence is of a high quality, and available both in print and online. The Audit Working Group and Audit Steering Committees alongside faculty consultations ensured that all information essential to the SER, to the collation of information and data, was managed and published. The CHE institutional audit took place from 16-20 May 2022. Over the first four days, online interviews were held with staff, students, and external partners. On the 20th Panel members visited the four campuses on tours that were curated by the DTE. The release of the draft Audit Report by the CHE which was anticipated in 2022 was delayed until 2023. Oral feedback delivered by the Panel Chair on the last day of the Audit Site Visit was positive. The University was complimented on several key achievements, including the shared UJ identity across all its campuses, the parity between campuses in both ‘look and feel’ and capacity, and the successful transformation of its staff and the integration of the pre-merged institutions into one, recognisable University of Johannesburg culture and ethos. Vice Chancellor’s (VC) Distinguished Awards The Division managed the process of the 2022 Vice Chancellor’s (VC) Distinguished Awards, for which a ceremony was held on 16 November 2022. The VC’s awards recognise excellence in fields of teaching, research, and outstanding service to the University. For the first time in 2022, an online submission process was piloted. 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 15

The following were recipients of the awards: TEACHER EXCELLENCE › Prof Andy Carolin | Faculty of Education › Prof David Paton | Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture MOST PROMISING YOUNG TEACHER AWARD › Dr Dean van der Merwe | Faculty of Education › Dr Oliver Takawira | College of Business and Economics OUTSTANDING RESEARCHER OF THE YEAR › Prof Nicolette Houreld | Faculty of Health Sciences MOST PROMISING RESEARCHER › Dr Ndzondelelo Bingwa | Faculty of Science Book of the Year › Prof Andy Carolin | Faculty of Education Highest Cited Researcher › Prof Mika Sillanpää | Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment - Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering Technology Global Excellence and Stature 4 › Prof Kakha Shengelia | President of Caucasus University SERVICE BEYOND THE NORMAL CALL OF DUTY › Dr Nelia Frade| Division for Teaching Excellence, Centre for Academic Staff Development › Mr Louis Fourie | Central Academic Administration › Mr Lawrie Ndlovu| Madibeng Restaurant FIGURE 3: 2022 VICE-CHANCELLOR’S DISTINGUISHED AWARD WINNERS 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 16

Mr Louis Fourie, Mr Lawrie Ndlovu, Dr Ndzondelelo Bingwa, Prof Andy Carolin, Dr Dean van der Merwe, Prof Tshilidzi Marwala, Prof David Paton, Dr Oliver Takawira, Dr Nelia Frade and Prof Nicolette Houreld Prof Letlhokwa Mpedi and Prof Kakha Shengelia 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 17

UJ 2023 Teaching and Learning Strategy In 2022, the DTE undertook an analysis of Faculty Teaching and Learning Plans. After consulting with the Executive Leadership Group (ELG), the Management Executive Committee Academic (MECA), Senate Teaching and Learning Committee (STLC), and Senate Executive Committee (SENEX), Senate approved the Teaching and Learning Strategy for 2022. The plans developed in 2022 focused on re-establishing the students’ presence on campus, providing for face-to-face teaching and learning, and integrated online Blackboard support. The 2022 teaching and learning plans entrench the multiple modalities and supports mechanisms needed for effective teaching and learning, whether in face-to-face, blended or hybrid modalities. In effecting the teaching and learning plans, the University commits to the seamless offering of the full range of academic experiences, ensuring optimal, quality teaching and learning. In 2022, the Teaching and Learning Plan was built around models of blended/ hybrid teaching and learning, with the emphasis on ensuring contact learning in all areas, but particularly those which require practical, clinical, and/or workplace-based learning. The flexibility afforded by the teaching and learning mechanisms triggered by the Emergency Remote Teaching of 2020 are retained in the delivery of teaching and learning, where beneficial to the learning and teaching experience. Drawing on the learnings from 2020 and 2021, in 2022 UJ gave special recognition to the remaining challenges of access. Faculties were required to account for the following: Continued, focused attention on firsttime entering and new students through comprehensive orientation programmes designed to equip students with the skills needed for inperson and online delivery. Management of the integrity of assessment, particularly in the distance online mode. Training academic staff, assistant lecturers, senior tutors, and tutors on the teaching and learning environments, including learning platforms and applications. Sharing skills and techniques designed to enhance student engagement whether in all modes of delivery. Continued development and investigations into technologies for enhanced teaching and learning. An extended peer-mentoring programme. Provision for ‘block release’ where suited to the needs of the programme and student body, as required in specific courses. At the STLC meeting, Dr Menon and Ms Castrillón facilitated a discussion on contact, blended, hybrid and distance learning. This provided a basis for the university to adopt its position on the modalities of teaching and learning at the University. The plans developed in 2022 focused on re-establishing the students’ presence on campus, providing for face-to-face teaching and learning, and integrated online Blackboard support. 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 18

Coordination of Universities South Africa (USAf)/ Higher Education leadership Management Programme (HELM) training programmes The Division coordinates internal UJ application processes for participation in various programmes offered by the Universities South Africa (USAf) through the Higher Education Leadership Management Programme (HELM). In 2022, the Division coordinated the participation of UJ academics in the 2022 Foundations of Leadership and Management (FoL) programme for Heads of Schools and Academic Departments. The objectives are to: Develop an informed perspective of the strategic planning in universities; Promote creative problem solving through expert input, self-reflection and group interaction; Acquire new skills that would contribute toward effective operations at your university; and Formally and informally engage with other participants, exchange ideas and share experiences that support personal and institutional development A total of seventeen (17) HoDs from UJ signed up to participate in the FoL training sessions which took place from 6 April to 10 June 2022. Secondly, two (2) female academics at Head of Department and Vice Dean levels (Dr Tebogo Mashifana and Prof Wai Sze (Grace) Leung) were nominated to participate in the programme HELM’s Women in Leadership (WiL) programme which aims at advancing and supporting women to lead change in a complex higher education context. Participation in the programme was open to only two female staff members per university, who had to be: • senior female academics at the levels of deans, assistant/deputy deans, heads/directors of schools, heads of academic departments (HODs), and heads of academic units (e.g., research, learning and teaching, etc.) from South African public higher education institutions, and • who have been in their current academic management position for under five years. The cost of participating in the programme is estimated at R40 000 per person. The HELM Women in Leadership (WiL) Programme for Cohort 3 ended in October 2022 with participants attending their final hybrid session scheduled in Cape Town. The session discussed several topics such as Regionalisation, Internationalisation, and Higher Education Imperatives. The participants also had the privilege to participate in a one-on-one session with a personal coach. HELM WiL provided an excellent networking opportunity for participants through peer group discussions and access to top-tier minds in Higher Education, including Profs Tshilidzi Marwala, Lis Lange, and Ahmed Bawa, who shared their views and advice on what it takes to be a successful leader. Throughout the programme, spanning several months, both Dr Tebogo Mashifana and Prof Wai Sze (Grace) Leung had the opportunity to explore pertinent leadership topics such as Self Care, the Complexity of Higher Education, Leadership in Times of Crises, Addressing Key Missions of HEIs, Working with People, Working with Finances, and Developing Career Advancement plans. The cost of participating in the programme is estimated at R40 000 per person. 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 19

SPECIAL PROJECTS Future Professors Programme UJ is the lead implementer of the national Future Professors (FPP) Phase 2 Programme, a DHET project that prepares promising academics to become a new cohort of South African professors. A total of R70 229 574, 26 has been allocated for the implementation of the FPP Phase Two. Following the orientation of participants and completion of the baseline situational analysis in November 2021, the full scope of the FPP Phase 2 programme commenced in January 2022. The FPP Phase 2 project team developed a comprehensive 12-month working plan for implementation of year 1, Cohort 1 of the programme. Programme components were organised to maximise contact with participants while allowing space for the integration of new learning into their existing knowledge. As part of the regular support and engagement offered to participants, the project team organised 3 informal ‘coffee and catch-up’ sessions to discuss progress, emerging interests and needs, and general feedback with participants. This included 11 ‘Brown Bag’ sessions and four workshops, which drew in expert scholars to discuss important issues in higher education, relevant to the core themes of the programme. Brown Bag topics to date included: • Prof Thad Metz: Developing your Research Profile • Dr Nelwamondo: Leveraging opportunities within the SA system to enhance research • Mr Dale Towert – Demystifying your Research Profile • Prof Salim Abdool-Karim – Research for Social Impact • Prof Stella Nkomo – NRF Requirements • Prof Daya Reddy: Strengthening the Scientific enterprise in South Africa to advance STEM FPP Scholars, Academic Advisors and the Project Team at the October FPP contact session 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 20

• Mr Chief Mabizela – Demystifying the DHET submission of output process • Prof Tawana Kupe: Writing for non-specialist audience • Prof Stephanie Burton- Building a rich academic career through collaboration and partnership • Prof Bavesh Kana: Innovation, patents and impact on society • Prof Refilwe Phaswana-Mafuya: Applying and managing grants both locally and internationally The 4 Workshop topics: • Prof Daneel van Lill: Navigating your Academic Journey (2 parts) • Mr Ferdi van der Walt: NRF Rating Requirements and one-on-one meetings to work on NRF rating applications • Prof Jenny Clarence-Fincham: Developing your Teaching Philosophy • Profs Moyra Keane and Ahmed Wadee: Postgraduate Supervision and Research Ethics (2 parts) On the 19th of October 2021, the FPPs had a one-day session “Galaxy of the Stars” where four NRF A-rated academics shared their journeys with the FPP scholars. One of the significant highlights of 2022 was the visit by Prof Abdulrazak Gurnah, the 2021 Nobel Prize winner in Literature. The FPP Phase 2 in collaboration with ASSAf and the FPP Phase 1 hosted Prof Gurnah. On Friday 4 November FPP scholars from both cohorts attended a closed session with Prof Gurnah. One of the FPP Phase 2 scholars Prof Shanade Barnabas had the opportunity to be one of the facilitators in the discussion. On the 9th of November, Prof Gurnah received an honorary Doctorate from UJ. 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 21


A sample of feedback from the Brownbag sessions and workshops: Very useful session. I wish it was longer so that I could learn more about successful collaborations. Made me see that I need to be strategic about increasing my citations I said maybe because I actually found it overwhelming and perhaps a little scary to think about how much we need to be doing as academics to reach our goals. It’s hard work and difficult if you don’t have those connections to start off. It has been enlightening to listen to Prof in terms of how to stay the course in whatever research niche one chooses. One also needs to be open to failure and work with it. Great presenter, providing useful information I think I am at the stage where I need to develop international research standing. Therefore, I will use most of the advises from Prof to develop sustainable collaborations and partnership. Again, the importance of integrity and ethics was emphasized, especially with our students and collaborators. 7.7% 92.3% Yes No Maybe 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 23

Yes No Maybe Yes No Maybe 14.3% 85.7% 100% As an academic working at a public university I have an obligation to the community that my university serves. To explain why I am doing specific research and why it matters. It has been a very useful session. It adds on to the previous one by Prof. I am now less fearful of preparing my application documents. Thanks Thank you very much organizers for this wonderful session. I’ve learned a lot. Thanks Excellent, insightful…. So much practical wisdom! The programme was well planned, informative, and very insightful. Profs Keane and Wadee were down to earth. The facilitation style helped the group connect, trust-building, provide support to each other, and enhance open communication. Planning, understanding oneself, setting limits, and how to maximize the chances of achieving one’s goals. 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 24

Another important component of the FPP Programme is the Leadership programme coordinated in partnership with the Johannesburg Business School. Two Leader Lab sessions were conducted in 2022, as an immersive learning opportunity for participants to engage in reflection and development of their own leadership identity. The Leader Labs is designed to build and entrench contextual intelligence, leadership competence and self-awareness in preparation for the professoriate. Each of the 28 participants has an assigned coach and a mentor as an additional support mechanism over and above the assigned FPP Academic advisor and FPP Team. 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 25

Several FPP Scholars made significant progress in 2022. One scholar was promoted to Senior Lecturer, five Scholars were promoted to Associate Professors and one to Full Professor. Additionally, four scholars received NRF ratings in 2022. 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 26

2021 2022 CHART 1: SCHOLARS RANK AT THE START OF THE FPP Lecturer Senior Lecturer Associate Professor Senior Research Professor 7% 7% 17% 69% 7% 4% 46% 43% 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 27

New Generation Academic Programme (nGAP) The new Generation Academic Programme (nGAP) is an initiative funded by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) in partnership with universities. It provides universities with opportunities to grow a new cohort of academics, with particular attention paid to transformation in terms of race and gender. The funding provides for all candidates’ salary remuneration and development costs for the first three years, and partial funding for salary remuneration and development costs for a further three years, after which period, the position is fully funded by the University. Each nGAP scholar is allocated a mentor as well as a reduced teaching workload, to allow them to focus on their Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) research. By the end of 2022 the University of Johannesburg (UJ) had a total of 34 funded nGAP posts hosted by different faculties (see chart 3 below), 29 posts have been taken up and 5 were in the process of being filled. By December 2022, interviews for all the 4 posts had been held and recommendations were sent to the DHET for approval. One post was readvertised at the beginning of 2023. Three nGAP scholars resigned from UJ at the end of 2022 bringing the number of filled positions to 26. The end of 2022 marked the final year of training for Phase 2 scholars. The DHET held a graduation ceremony for them in 2023. As with the Phase 1, this group will continue to be supported as part of the AAMP programme. In 2022, UJ submitted eight Phase 9 applications for consideration by the DHET. nGAP scholars are making significant progress in their PhDs and are supported through a variety of initiatives. By the end of 2022, thirteen (13) scholars had completed their PhDs, three (3) were appointed having gained their PhDs. Regarding their career progress, three (3) have been promoted to senior lecturer positions and one has received an NRF Y-rating. It is evident that the programme continues to contribute towards increasing the number of staff with PhDs at UJ. Chart 4 shows that 70% of nGAP scholars at UJ are African, 15% Indian, 9% Coloured and 6% White. Chart 5 presenting the scholars by gender, shows that twenty-one (21) members are female while thirteen (13) are male. In October 2022, the DHET organised an induction workshop for nGAP scholars appointed under Phases 5,6 & 7; nGAP Phase 5 and 6 scholars from UJ and their mentors attended the session. UJ does not participate in Phase 7. During the event, Dr Angie Magabane presented on the challenges and opportunities associated with the implementation of the programme across the higher education sector. 34 funded nGAP posts hosted by different faculties 29 posts have been taken up and 5 were in the process of being filled 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 28

CHART 2. UJ nGAP SCHOLARS BY FACULTY CHART 3. UJ nGAP SCHOLARS BY RACE CHART 4. UJ nGAP SCHOLARS BY GENDER CBE Education FADA FEBE FHS Humanities Law Science Total 2 2 1 7 5 7 2 8 African Indian Coloured White 70% 15% 9% 6% Female Male Total 21 13 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 29

TABLE 2. NGAP POSTS ALLOCATED TO UJ NGAP FROM PHASE 1 – 8 No. Phase Faculty Department Equity Gender 1. 1 Humanities Philosophy1 African Female 2. 1 CBE Accountancy White Female 3. 1 Education Childhood Education African Female 4. 1 Humanities Strategic Communication African Female 5. 1 FEBE Mining2 African Female 6. 1 Science Pure and Applied Mathematics African Male 7. 1 Science Geology African Male 8. 2 FADA Postgraduate School of Architecture African Male 9. 2 FEBE Civil Engineering African Female 10. 2 FHS Human Anatomy and Physiology Indian Female 11. 2 Humanities Psychology African Female 12. 3 FHS Radiography Coloured Female 13. 3 FEBE Town and regional Planning African Female 14. 3 Law Mercantile Law Coloured Female 15. 4 FEBE Engineering Metallurgy African Male 16. 4 Science Botany3 African Female 17. 4 Science Zoology African Female 18. 4 FEBE Chemical Engineering Technology Indian Female 19. 4 FHS Environmental Health African Male 20. 5 Science Biotechnology & Food Technology African Male 21. 5 FEBE Chemical Engineering Technology Indian Male 22. 5 FHS Physiology African Female 23. 5 Science Biochemistry African Male 24. 5 Law Public Law White Female 25. 6 FHS Medical Laboratory Science Indian Female 26. 6 Science Chemical Sciences African Male 27. 6 Science Biochemistry African Male 28. 6 Humanities Politics African Male 29. 6 Humanities History African Female 30. 8 Humanities Communications & Media Coloured Female 31. 8 Education Science and Technology Education African Female 32. 8 CBE Auditing African Male 33. 8 FEBE Metallurgy Indian Male 34. 8 Humanities Psychology African Female 1 The candidate resigned from UJ in December 2022 2 The candidate resigned from UJ in December 2022 3 The candidate resigned from UJ in December 2022 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 30

Training and development In support of the nGAP lecturers, the Division introduced various activities and interventions. These included the following: • In the first and second semester of 2022, the nGAP were offered a series of 6 group- coaching sessions as well as additional one-on-one coaching sessions. These are facilitated by Profs Ahmed Wadee and Moyra Keane. This Group Coaching intervention was designed to include guest speakers who gave a short session on aspects aligned to the nGAP’s aims and interests drawn from their responses to a Discovery Sheet Questionnaire. The sessions explored and addressed various topics such as challenges and opportunities in research and in the academic environment; linking development activities with tasks and responsibilities; increasing motivation; resolving blocks to progress; and goal setting and reflection on the process of personal development. The impact of coaching sessions has proven to be invaluable as there are tangible outputs achieved by the scholars. These include, among others, completion and submission of PhD thesis for examination. A total of 16 nGAP scholars participated in one-on-one coaching sessions, amounting to a total of 48 sessions. • Two writing retreats were facilitated by Dr Christel Troskie-de Bruin in 2022. These sessions are run over 3 days and were dedicated to writing the different sections of the PhD, or an article for publication in a scientific journal. • At the beginning of 2022, all the 29 nGAP scholars were added to the AAMP programme to ensure the completion of qualifications, facilitating the journey of nGAP scholars into academia, focusing on teaching excellence and research, and community engagement. All 29 lecturers have had the opportunity to attend all academic staff development activities organised by the Division and attendance is monitored carefully. The Division annually organises sessions under various topics and themes to provide academics platforms for discussion and engagement to model practice and share insights into different strategies that could improve teaching and learning. These are organised in the form of Master Classes, Connect@1 sessions, and sessions under the theme of ‘The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born: The Academic Journey’. In the first half of 2022, the Division organised a total of 37 sessions which included the Academic Bootcamp series sessions. The nGAP lectures attend and participate in these sessions. At the beginning of 2022, one of the nGAP lecturers, Dr Tebogo Makhubela co-presented one of the sessions which was well received. Dr Angie Magabane and the nGAP scholars at the DHET seminar October 2022 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 31

Monitoring and reporting The Division conducted bi-annual check-in sessions with each nGAP lecturer in the first and second semesters of 2022. A total of 56 bi-annual one-on-one check-in sessions were held with nGAP lecturers in the first and second semesters with the aim of identifying any challenges that may be hampering progress and devising strategies to assist the scholars. Additionally, these sessions provide nGAP scholars with a safe space for discussion and an opportunity to speak freely about their challenges and progress in research, teaching, and mentoring. The discussions inform the strategic interventions put in place by the Division to ensure that the nGAPs are better supported. The Division published the nGAP booklet which showcases UJ’s nGAP scholars. The booklet will be reviewed in 2023 to include the Phase 8 scholars who commenced their duties at the beginning of the year. The 2022/23 nGAP financial audit and the narrative reports were submitted to the DHET at the end of May 2022. A total of 29 nGAP financial/ audit and narrative reports from UJ were reviewed by the DHET and were found to be satisfactory and meeting the reporting requirements. As a result, UJ received a clean audit. The DHET report also includes reports from the nGAP managers from each university. The UJ report highlighted some of the opportunities and challenges associated with the implementation of the programme. These are shown in Table 3 below The nGAP initiative is a significant part of the University’s continued commitment to growing a new generation of academics. The office of the Senior Director in the Division facilitates engagements between the DHET and nGAP scholars. As the custodian, the Division ensures that the allocated funding is spent in accordance with the rules and regulations of the DHET. A total of 56 bi-annual one-on-one check-in sessions were held with nGAP lecturers in the first and second semesters A total of 29 nGAP financial/ audit and narrative reports from UJ were reviewed by the DHET and were found to be satisfactory 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 32

TABLE 3. FEEDBACK ON PARTICIPATION IN NGAP PROGRAMME IN 2022 Feedback 1 The programme has given me the opportunity to begin expanding my academic horizons by helping meet other fledgling scholars from disparate academic and research fields. the most important thing that I have gained during the course of the programme, is teaching experience and the ability to advance my academic career. I have yet to experience any challenges with either the programme or the teaching. Feedback 2 My experience as an nGAP candidate thus far has been insightful and beneficial. By attending the teaching and learning workshops offered I have been able to gain knowledge into teaching pedagogy, assessments, blended learning etc. The benefits from the programme would definitely have to be the workshops offered to nGAP lecturers as well as the support from funding provided. The nGAP office is always ready to help us when required. Feedback 3 My experience as an nGAP has been fruitful. I believe that I have gained valuable teaching experience thus far. One of the biggest challenges that I have experienced is trying to balance my academic role (teaching) and my PhD work. It has been quite difficult so far with academic (lecture, tutorial and assessment) preparation, which usually takes up a lot of my time. However, the nGAP has been very helpful with the allocation of 20% workload, I have received time off to focus on my PhD this semester. Feedback 4 The nGAP program has been great with new challenges that builds the candidate into an excellent academic lecturer. The trainings provided by the nGAP office have been excellent and shaped my views on what is it to be an academic. I am excited to be part of this opportunity. I have learnt a lot since I have stated this program. Feedback 5 The journey has been a learning curve for me. I have received a lot of support from the nGAP office and the members from my faculty. The gains I have made so far, include the progress on my PhD, as such I have been allocated one-on-one coaching session with Prof Wadee who is really helpful and motivating on both personal and work-related support. Feedback 6 The programme is beneficial as it considers and caters for professional and personal growth. Going into my third year, I have gained numerous insights in what it takes to be a successful academic, not only that but through the programme I have managed to gain teaching, supervisory, and administration experience while completing my PhD studies. Because of the programme’s flexibility I was able to complete my PhD research objectives, publish articles emanating from the research as well as successfully writing a complete thesis for examination. The personal coaching sessions as organized by the Division for Teaching Excellence has enabled me to be an effective and efficient member in academia and has also contributed to my personal and academic growth. Feedback 7 The nGAP programme has been an amazing journey thus far. In the few months since employment, I have attended various sessions to develop as an academic and am learning skills to create a balance of both academic and personal development. Mentoring sessions to guide me through the teaching and learning processes of the institution alongside the research niche development through the personal mentoring and coaching sessions. 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 33

Nurturing Emerging Scholars Programme (NESP) The Nurturing Emerging Scholars Programme (NESP) is an initiative funded by the DHET in partnership with universities. The NESP recruits Honours graduates who demonstrate academic ability, who express an early interest in the possibility of an academic career and who might be lost to the system if structured, attractive prospects and opportunities for recruitment into academic positions do not exist. Once they have completed their master’s degrees, the NESP scholars transition into a one-year internship programme. During the internship year, the NESP intern is provided a stipend in line with a budget model for the NESP developed by the DHET. The implementation of NESP was carried out successfully in 2022. The four candidates who were awarded scholarships under Phase 1 enrolled for the second year of their master’s degrees at the beginning of 2022, in the following fields: Podiatry, Zoology, Biochemistry, and Mechanical Engineering. One completed his degree in July 2022 and commenced with his one-year internship in August. By the end of 2022, two scholars completed their research and submit their thesis at the of January 2023, they commenced with their one-year internship in February. Unfortunately, one (scholar) dropped out of the programme in December 2022 due to medical reasons, the DHET was notified and is reviewing her case to determine whether she should be exempted from paying back the incurred funds. In 2022, the DHET allocated UJ three posts for NESP Phase 2 (Chemical Sciences; Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil/ Geotechnical Engineering) bringing the total of UJ scholarships to seven. The internal application process for the allocated NESP Phase 2 scholarships was carried out in 2022 and completed. The DHET approved one NESP Phase 2 scholar who signed a contract and commenced her master’s degree in 2023. The University is awaiting confirmation of the remaining two scholars from the DHET. CHART 5. UJ NESP SCHOLARS BY GENDER CHART 6. UJ NESP SCHOLARS BY RACE Female Male Total 5 2 African Indian 6 1 2022 ANNUAL REPORT: DIVISION FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE 34