College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2023 OVERVIEW The Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development (CCRED) at the University of Johannesburg works to build a knowledge base through rigorous research on critical issues of competition, regulation, and the conduct of large firms related to regional development in Southern and East Africa. CCRED applies this knowledge to provide expert advice, training, and capacity building to competition authorities, economic regulators, and governments. This report provides an overview of the leading networks and partnerships established in 2023, human resource capacity developments, the main research projects that anchor CCRED’s work, and an update on various policy outreach and engagement activities undertaken by the Centre since January 2023. NETWORKS AND PARTNERSHIPS CCRED continues to formulate productive partnerships with international and local partners to broaden its research linkages, the reach of its work, and the global profile of its publications. In 2023, CCRED has continued to pursue international and local research, teaching, and capacitybuilding partnerships with various institutions, which it envisions will lead to long-term research partnerships, including with the following organisations: African Climate Foundation Centre for Competition Policy (CCP), University of East Anglia, United Kingdom Cheadle Thompson & Haysom Inc City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa Competition Commission (COMESA CC) Competition Commission of Mauritius Competition Commission South Africa Copenhagen Business School (CBS) Denmark Department of Economic Development and Tourism: Northern Cape Province International Growth Centre – London School of Economics International Trade Centre Open Society Foundation Oxfam South Africa Shamba Centre for Food & Climate World Bank Kenya TALENT MANAGEMENT CCRED continues to place a premium on its staff’s personnel and professional development and attracts the best available talent to align with the vision of research excellence and impact. In 2023, CCRED newly appointed: Dr Choolwe Muzyamba,Researcher. Cheryl-Lyn Selman, Associate Researcher and ACER Coordinator. Siphiwe Ncube, appointed as MCom Competition and Economic Regulation Programme Assistant CCRED offices have officially moved from Rosebank to JBS Park since 1 April 2023. Since refurbishing the Centre’s office space, all CCRED staff members have moved to the new office space on the ground floor. Research Associates are strategic to CCRED’s internationalisation and publication thrusts. The appointment of Research Associates is ongoing and is expected to widen CCRED’s sphere of influence and get credit for their external research work. In the 2023 academic cycle, CCRED appointed a former employee, Mr Nishal Robb, as a Research Associate. 91 THE CENTRE FOR COMPETITION, REGULATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (CCRED) Dr Thando Vilakazi Director