2022 CBE Annual Report

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 48 POLICY AND PUBLIC ENGAGEMENTS AND ACTIVITIES We hosted, co-hosted, or partnered in several successful public events during 2022. For example, we hosted a hybrid public lecture on Digitalisation and Development: Evolving policy approaches, with presentations by Prof Antonio Andreoni (Head of Research at UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose), and Prof Padmashree Gehl Sampath (Director of Global Access in Action at Harvard University’s Berkman Klein Centre for Internet and Society), both of whom are affiliated with the SARChI-ID as visiting professors. The discussant was Mr Hardin Ratshisusu (Deputy Commissioner, Competition Commission of South Africa). We also co-hosted two hybrid public lecture events on green industrialisation in Africa. One of these was together with the African Programme on Rethinking Development Economics (APORDE), looking at challenges and opportunities, with lectures by two leading global experts and UJ affiliated visiting professors, Profs Lindsay Whitfield and Antonio Andreoni, opened by Ms Zukiswa Kimani (Chief Director of Industrial Policy at the DTIC). The other (jointly with CCRED) was addressed by leading experts Prof Carlos Lopes (Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance, UCT) and Dr Tilman Altenburg (German Development Institute). We were proud to host, together with the Southern Centre for Inequality Studies at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), the launch of the Oxford Handbook of the South African Economy edited by professors Arkebe Oqubay, Imraan Valodia and Fiona Tregenna. President Cyril Ramaphosa delivered the keynote address, and the ViceChancellors of UJ and Wits (the two institutions with which the editors are affiliated) also spoke with the book editors. We also hosted a book discussion with author Professor Horman Chitonge about his book titled Industrial Policy and the Transformation of the Colonial Economy in Africa: The Zambian Experience. Prof Fiona Tregenna was the facilitator, with Dr Judith Fessehaie as the discussant. Once again, SARChI-ID partnered in the Rethinking Economics for Africa Festival held in 2022 in conjunction with the Rethinking Economics for Africa (REFA), the Institute for Economic Justice (IEJ), the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), the Southern Centre for Inequality Studies and Wits. The festival aims to bring together academics, students, activists, policymakers, and researchers into a conversation about the present and future of economic thinking, teaching and policy in Africa, particularly South Africa.