2022 CBE Annual Report

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 18 Partnerships, Stakeholder and Community Engagement JOINT, EXCHANGE, AND STUDY ABROAD PROGRAMMES (INCLUDING VIRTUAL) CBE engaged in various strategic endeavours on internationalisation. Collaboration in hosting conferences and applications for funding with international partners allows students to present their work and participate in exchange programmes. The partnerships with CBE range from institution to institution. A debate series for doctoral students in collaboration with the SARChI-Trilateral Research Chair in Transformative Innovation (TRCTI ) on Energy and Innovation policy in the energy sector, between Prof. David Walwyn (Visiting Professor) and Prof. Rasmus Lema (GES 4.0 Visiting Professor) was held. Thirty CBE students participated in the Africa by Bus initiative to Namibia to be exposed to foreign markets, international businesses, and different African cultures and, secondly, to align their knowledge with the Free African Trade Policy. In 2022, there was a formidable flow of inbound and outbound staff and student activity – the CBE mobility target was exceeded by 14 times. Nkosingiphile Mkhize was awarded a Fulbright Foreign Student Program scholarship, one of the most prestigious programmes globally. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PROJECTS CBE staff participate in different media platforms disseminating their knowledge covering various topics in economics, digital technologies, public finances, etc. The School of Tourism and Hospitality (STH) launched an Extended Reality (XR) Lab in 2022. The XR facility is established through the Food Evolution Research Laboratory (FERL), a virtual research laboratory located within STH, in collaboration with the Metaverse Research Unit at the University. FERL specifically focuses on the evolution of food and research to enhance people’s lifestyles in communities that recognise the importance of health and nutrition.