2022 CBE Annual Report


College of Business and Economics

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS (CBE) 2022 @ A GLANCE 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 TALENT MANAGEMENT 3 Demographic profile: academic and support, international, designated, qualification profile. 3 Staff development 6 CBE NRF-rated researchers 6 Recognitions, awards, and prestige appointments 10 TEACHING AND LEARNING 10 Enrolment and student profile 10 Undergraduate and Postgraduate graduates 10 Student access and success and student support 11 UJenius recruitment 12 Programmes 13 RESEARCH AND INNOVATION – FOOTPRINT AND IMPACT 13 Research outputs 13 Research impact 15 Postdoctoral research fellows (PDRFs) 15 Research structures 16 Research funding 18 PARTNERSHIPS, STAKEHOLDER AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 18 Joint, exchange, and study abroad programmes (including virtual) 18 Community engagement projects 20 ALUMNI AND STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENTS AND EXTERNAL FUNDING 21 TRANSFORMATION 21 FACULTY GOVERNANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT 22 FINANCIAL AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 22 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 23 TEACHING AND LEARNING 24 ENROLMENT AND STUDENT PROFILE 24 STUDENT ACCESS AND SUCCESS, AND SUPPORT 25 First-year and senior student experience 25 Integrated Student Success Initiative (ISSI) 25 Operational and strategic tutor 25 UJ-funded e-textbook initiative for undergraduate 25 CBE Student Peer Mentoring Programme 25 Student Personal Development Programme 25 Work-integrated Education (WIE) 25 UJenius Club 25 School/departmental initiatives 25 Monitoring of student performance 27 TEACHING AND LEARNING INNOVATIONS IN 2022 27 STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE AREA OF TEACHING AND LEARNING 27 PROGRAMME QUALIFICATION MIX 31 RESEARCH AND INNOVATION 32 RESEARCH CAPACITY AND EXCELLENCE 37 POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS 37 Graduation 37 Doctoral Candidates Forum 37 CBE Honours Research Development 37 INTERNATIONALISATION 39 CBE RESEARCH HUBS 40 DHET-NRF SOUTH AFRICAN RESEARCH CHAIR (SARCHI) IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION 45 DSI/NRF SOUTH AFRICAN RESEARCH CHAIR IN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT 53 DSI/NRF/NEWTON FUND TRILATERAL CHAIR IN TRANSFORMATIVE (TRCIT) INNOVATION, THE 4IR AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 63 CENTRE FOR APPLIED DATA SCIENCE (CADS) 69 CENTRE FOR LOCAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (CENLED) 73 CENTRE FOR PUBLIC MANAGEMENT AND GOVERNANCE 77 FOOD EVOLUTION RESEARCH LABORATORY (FERL) 80 INSTITUTE OF TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS STUDIES (ITLS) (AFRICA) 83 PUBLIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMIC RESEARCH CENTRE (PEERC) 87 TECHNOPRENEURSHIP CENTRE 91 TRANSPORT EDUCATION TRAINING AUTHORITY (TETA) 4IR RESEARCH CHAIR 93 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SETA LEADERSHIP CHAIR (GAUTENG)(WRSLC)

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 1 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS (CBE) 2022 @ A GLANCE

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 2 Executive Summary OVERVIEW The new academic year in 2022 marked a welcome turning point, as we gradually emerged from a most intense pandemic period. We could offer face-to-face teaching, and the campus returned to life as staff and students slowly returned. It has been wonderful to come together again as a community and reconnect in person, while embedding the lessons from the pandemic on applying technology more effectively. Prof Lungile Ntsalaze Executive Dean College of Business and Economics The College of Business and Economics (CBE) operates in an increasingly uncertain global context. The ongoing war in Ukraine and international political tensions threaten academic collaboration, and global supply chain disruptions continue, as the world recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. High inflation has resulted in moves by the South African Reserve Bank to increase interest rates. The cost-of-living crisis is hurting our staff and students. The last two years have seen a period of turbulence for the University of Johannesburg (UJ), South Africa, and the globe. Despite concerns early in the pandemic about whether the academic project would withstand the pressures, CBE's performance during this time has been strong. This academic year marks the start of a transition at CBE. As the new Executive Dean since 01 January 2023, I write this report reflecting on an incredible year of research, events, and student support activities at CBE. I also feel enormous gratitude for the outstanding output from our researchers and scholars, and for the hard work and dedication of all our staff under the leadership of Professor Daneel van Lill, who has been at the helm since CBE's establishment in 2017. While I invite you to join me in reflecting on this past year in the pages ahead, I hope you are also inspired to commit to helping chart our very bright future for CBE. I gladly share highlights, primary stats from 2022, and narration, including our way forward for the future.

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 3 Talent Management DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE: ACADEMIC AND SUPPORT, INTERNATIONAL, DESIGNATED, QUALIFICATION PROFILE. CBE attracts, recruits, and retains the best research, teaching, and professional staff responsible for offering excellent services to all our stakeholders. In its services, CBE had 514 employees comprised of 353 (69%) academic staff and 161 (31%) professional support staff. International staff members make up 17% of academics. Over 42% of our academic staff have doctoral qualifications. The number of staff with higher degrees is increasing due to research support initiatives made available to the CBE. Regarding staff equity, the economically active population (EAP) is used as a benchmark to assist CBE in analysing the workforce to determine the degree of under or overrepresentation of different groups. Furthermore, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), developed by the United Nations (UN) urge the world to ensure women's full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making and promote equal pay for work of equal value. White females remain the highest represented group at 19% (exceeding their EAP by 15 percentage points). African males and females are significantly under-represented at 18% and 25% lower than their EAP by 26 and 11 percentage points, respectively. CBE has one staff member with a declared disability. This area, therefore, remains a critical challenge and focus for a more inclusive work environment. STAFF DEVELOPMENT Lifelong learning is at the heart of our academic project. CBE encourages staff to plan their development through Professional Development Plans. Several development programmes are available for colleagues, focusing on management, leadership, and support for early career researchers. (Image below): One of our staff, Ms Boniswa Madikizela, attended the IWF Leadership Foundation's Executive Leadership training at Harvard Business School in May 2022. The Accelerated Academic Mentoring Programme (AAMP) supports the development of staff members to prepare them for leadership positions across campus. CBE has a majority involvement, with approximately 70 staff participating at different levels, with 15 registered for doctoral degrees. The programme fosters skills among staff with high potential who will bring excellence and diversity to senior leadership ranks. Other areas of leadership development include our intentional succession planning through appointments of deputy Heads of Department (HoDs), where they focus on holistic offering, strategic planning, and oversight for specific projects, and planning and supporting the HoD. The College career crafting workshop for newly appointed academics helps them plan their careers from an early stage and to familiarise themselves with promotion policies and processes—the UJ Centre for Academic Technologies (CAT) and UJ Library services presented support services available. Assistant lecturers are appointed to grow our future pool of lecturers and academic leaders.

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 4 Several workshops were also hosted, including a public lecture on conducting bibliometric analysis and a four-day workshop on writing empirical papers for top-tier journals by the Centre for Applied Data Science with Prof Samuel Fosso Wamba, a distinguished visiting Professor at CBE. Case study writing and teaching were among the implemented workshops to strengthen CBE’s teaching for success. Cognisant of the heightened need for support while navigating the effects of COVID, more than hard skills training is needed; the Executive Dean launched the Support Staff, Reconnect Lunch (Image above). The sociopsychological well-being of staff received dedicated attention. Staff members received wellness packs and a series of Self-Care & Self-Love seminars addressing topics such as Loss and Bereavement Coping Skills, Stress and Burnout Coping Skills, Effective Communication and Conflict Management Skills in an Emotionally Disconnected World, and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Development Skills (Image below). The development opportunities translate into tangible results. In addition, 13 staff members obtained their doctorates. In 2022, 12 promotions were concluded successfully. Of the total number of staff promoted, only 16.67% were black South Africans, 41.67% white South Africans, and 41.67% international employees. Professors Crystal Hoole, Kevin Nell, David Pooe, and Dominique Uwizeyimana delivered their inaugural lectures that marked a significant milestone in their academic careers. (Image next page).

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 5 Prof Crystal Hoole, Head of the Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management, School of Management Prof David Pooe, Department of Business Management, School of Management Prof Dominique Uwizeyimana, Acting Director of the School of Public Management, Governance and Public Policy Prof Kevin Nell, School of Economics

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 6 CBE NRF-RATED RESEARCHERS There were 37 NRF-rated researchers at the end of 2022, indicating an increase of nine rated researchers from 2021. Of these, ten were newly rated or retained their rating in 2022. Prof MT Ewing, Prof RN Nunkoo, and Prof CM Rogerson are B-rated researchers that enjoy recognition from their peers for the high quality and impact of their recent research outputs. Dr Oliver Takawira: UJ ViceChancellor Award-Most Promising Young Teacher of the Year Prof Ben Marx: SAICA Difference Makers Awards as the most significant contributor to “Excellence in Education” Mr Lawrie Ndlovu: UJ ViceChancellor Distinguished Award: Service Beyond the Call of Duty Ms. Lethiwe Nzama: Institute of Internal Auditors (SA) as Educator of the Year Award 2022 Ms Rodene Dye won the SABPP 2022 Award in the National Committee Leadership category Dr Stella Bvuma: Nominated for a U21 award for the work that has furthered the U21 network’s principles of internationalisation. She was also nominated for the International Woman of Stature 2023 in the Innovation and Technology category. Dr Bvuma also serves as Deputy Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the State Information Technology Agency, South Africa. RECOGNITIONS, AWARDS, AND PRESTIGE APPOINTMENTS CBE staff members have demonstrated exceptional contributions to the University and society. Unsurprisingly, endless awards and recognitions were bestowed on staff. CBE staff have been invited as keynote speakers at different events, won best paper awards at conferences, and were elected to the boards of learned societies. Among the many exceptional awards and special recognitions the staff received this year were the following:

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 7 Prof Adri Drotskie: Nominated for the International Woman of Stature Award 2023 in the Woman in Education and Training category Prof Chris Rogerson ranked #647 in the world and #8 in South Africa in the discipline of Social Sciences and Humanities Prof Chioma Okoro: Nominated for the International Woman of Stature Award 2023 in the Woman in Education and Training category and Guest Editor for the International Journal of Construction Management Prof Ahmed Mohammadali Haji: Panellist for the SAICA - IASB Chairman’s event in August 2022 Prof Musa Saurombe: Received the Positive Role Model Category Award for the Gauteng region during the 10th Gender Mainstreaming Awards. Also, a nominee for the International Women of Stature Award 2023 in the Education and Training category Prof Nelesh Dhanpat: Elected to the editorial board of the African Journal of Employee Relations Dr. Stiehler-Mulder: Appointed the Gauteng W&R Leadership Chair by the Wholesale and Retail SETA Prof Noleen Pisa: Appointed the Transport Education Training Authority 4IR Research Chair

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 8 Ms. Boitumelo Kuzwayo on being recognised as the ABASA (Advancement of Black Accountants of Southern Africa) 2022 Academic of the Year. This achievement follows her announcement as one of the Top 200 Young M&G South Africans for 2022 and a winner in the academic category for the same awards. She also won the Game Changer Category at the 2022 SAICA Top 35-under-35 Awards Dr. Nicolaas Strydom: Finalist for the prestigious Coleman Prize for Best Ph.D. Thesis at Strathclyde Business School in Glasgow, Scotland - Supervisor: Prof Grietjie Verhoef. He was also elected to the Editorial Board of the Business History journal, which boasts an Impact Factor of 1.86 Professor Tankiso Moloi: Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) Research Award for Global Contribution and appointed as an honorary visiting professor at the Durban University of Technology, to the Namibian Presidential Task Team on the 4IR and as American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)-CIMA Africa Regional Engagement Group Chair Dr. Riyad Moosa: Appointed to the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors (IRBA) as a member of the Committee for Auditing Standards Prof Erika Kraemer-Mbula: Membership of the Global Innovation Index (GII) Academic Network and appointed to the Namibian Presidential Task Team on the 4IR Professors Fiona Tregenna and Arkebe Oqubay have been appointed to the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Trade and Industrial Development Advisory Council. The Council is endorsed by the recent Summit of Heads of State and Government and advises on trade integration and industrialisation across Africa. She was also appointed to the Board of the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), Editorial Board for HSRC Press, and Board of the Journal of Globalization and Development at the invitation of Nobel Prize Laureate Prof Joseph Stiglitz

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 9

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 10 Teaching & Learning ENROLMENT AND STUDENT PROFILE CBE serves over 18200 students and thus makes up 36% of the University’s student headcount. In the light of the increasing prominence given to ensuring equality, diversity, and inclusion, CBE remains committed to attracting and admitting students from all backgrounds. Undergraduate (UG) students constitute the majority at 83%, with an increasing proportion of students from under-resourced schools. Simultaneously, the number of students with an Admission Point Score (APS) of at least 35 increased significantly. The student profile in terms of demographics was black (91%), coloured (2%), Indian (4%), and white (3%). The increasing participation of female students in our programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate (PG) levels is a testament to CBE’s commitment to ensuring equitable access to tertiary education for women. The University’s strong international reputation, commitment to academic excellence, and global orientation attract students from across the globe. CBE enrolled over 1360 international students. UNDERGRADUATE AND POSTGRADUATE GRADUATES Most of those that graduated also suffered s evere disruption to their education journey due to Covid and are to be congratulated for doing so well in difficult circumstances. The College has graduated a total of 4430 students. Graduation numbers constitute a 13.8% decline in the graduate output from the previous year. The trend, as mentioned above, mirrors the movement in enrolment numbers. The most significant decrease was at the undergraduate level, mainly in Marketing Management, Information and Knowledge Management, and Business Management qualifications. In 2022, CBE had 1270 graduates at the postgraduate level: a total of 110 for honours and other postgraduate studies, 130 master’s, and 30 doctorates. Over 23% of doctorates were awarded to South African black candidates. Of the master’s degrees, 23.1% were completed in two years (the number has declined from 28.3% in the previous year). A percentage of 43,3 of the doctoral degrees were completed in four years (a decline from 59.1% in 2021). This drop is undoubtedly due to the societal, professional, economic, and personal impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic since most of our students at this level are in full-time senior-level employment. STUDENT ACCESS AND SUCCESS AND STUDENT SUPPORT Promoting student performance and providing opportunities for the holistic development of potential graduates lies at the heart of the CBE’s academic project. Mental health support will remain a priority in the coming years. Through its schools and departments, the CBE engaged in several measures to provide a holistic learning experience for students. Apart from specific school/ departmental initiatives, critical efforts, mainly aimed at UG students, included: • The significant role played by the CBE in the institutional First year and Senior Student Experience programmes aimed at supporting undergraduate student learning. • CBE participation in the Integrated Student Success Initiative (ISSI) primarily supports student learning in priority modules. • An investment of just over R10 million for operational and strategic tutor funding. • Free access to e-textbooks for eight priority modules in the CBE as part of the UJ-funded e-textbook initiative for undergraduate students. • The CBE Student Peer Mentoring Programme supported first-year students transitioning into a university environment. • The CBE Student Personal Development Programme aimed at inculcating critical pervasive skills and attributes in first-year students. • A shift in teaching pedagogy aimed at introducing more practical or real-world experiences into the classroom through scenarios, case studies, and projects. Moreover, Work-integrated Education (WIE) features programmes with a strong practical orientation, such as marketing, tourism and hospitality, accounting, and business management.

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 11 First-year student and gymnast Caitlin Rooskrantz Ms Pranisha Rama secured first place in the 3MT Competition Despite ongoing initiatives to improve student performance, the end-of-year results were still below expectations. The overall UG module (credit) success rate (MSR) for 2022 was 83,9%. This success rate is significantly lower than the 2021 MSR of 88,2% (dropped by 4,3 percentage points). It is also lower than the rates attained in the years before the Covid-19 pandemic. The MSR averaged 86,4% over the last five years, impacted by the distinctly lower rate achieved in 2022. The deterioration in student performance is also evident in the decline of 3,2% in the MSR for first time entering UG students from 89,9% in 2021 to 86,7% in 2022. Several engagements and student surveys revealed that poor student attendance and inadequate engagement in learning activities resulted in lessthan-desirable student performance for the first semester of 2022. Typical difficulties relate to socio-economic factors, finance, a sense of isolation stemming from operating in an online environment in past years, not being well-prepared for the demands of university studies, lack of a campus life/ culture, transport issues, and security concerns. Several recommendations emerged in response to these findings, and discussions on implementing such recommendations are yet to occur. The student satisfaction survey in 2022 revealed a consistently high rate. There was a 92% satisfaction score for undergraduate and 87% for postgraduate students. Our students also received recognition for their excellence in diverse areas. Madelie Olivey was selected by Minister Ebrahim Patel of Trade and Industry to serve on the Financial Reporting Standards Council. First-year student and gymnast Caitlin Rooskrantz won gold at the 2022 FIG Artistic Gymnastics World Cup in Cairo, Egypt and Ms Pranisha Rama secured first place in the 3MT Competition. UJENIUS RECRUITMENT CBE’s participation in the UJenius Club, which provides incentives and enrichment opportunities for top-performing students, is increasing. CBE UJenius members increased by increased by 30,7% from 502 members in 2021 to 656 in 2022 The number of UJenius members in the CBE. Events and activities for UJenius students are expected to be arranged and hosted at school and department levels. Schools and departments will be requested to engage in more enrichment activities for UJenius members, which may be done in collaboration with PsyCaD.

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 12 PROGRAMMES NEW PROGRAMMES, CEPS, QUALITY MANAGEMENT, INNOVATIONS, AND NEW INITIATIVES, ENSURING RELEVANT QUALITY REVIEWS, ADDRESSING ISSUES ABOUT ATTRIBUTES OF GRADUATES AND EMPLOYABILITY OF GRADUATES The rapidly changing world of work requires economic participants to have the kind of mental agility that would allow them to learn new skills, adapt to new developments swiftly, and to be able to find creative solutions to problems that arise in varying contexts. In this regard, CBE introduced three qualifications: Bachelor of Commerce Flexible, Master of Information Systems, and PhD (Development and Innovation), all approved by the Senate. SAICA accredited the online BCom Accountancy Programme for purposes of the Associate General Accountant AGA(SA) designation. Continuing education is an integral part of CBE, with an outstanding track record of enabling nontraditional students from across the country to pursue their academic and professional ambitions. Continuing Education Programmes (CEPs) consist of whole programmes, bridging programmes, and predominantly Short Learning Programmes (SLPs). Recent developments indicate an increased focus of SLPs on 4IR-related aspects. There were 66 active CEPs in 2022 compared to 69 in 2021. The total enrolment in CEPs, including registrations for non-degree purposes, master’s and doctoral preregistrations, and occasional registrations, was 7 851 in 2022, close to 4% above the 7 563 for 2021. In 2022, the CBE had 13 whole programmes on its books, presented entirely online, compared to nine in 2021. Further enhancement of the teaching and learning environment was through ongoing innovations undertaken by staff members. Several initiatives across the CBE in 2022 involved developing and introducing innovative approaches, new content, and courses relating to 4IR in the teaching and learning environment. Twenty-three key initiatives were piloted, implemented, or were at an advanced stage of development in 2022. Furthermore, eight workshops were held to encourage innovative teaching and learning and develop essential skills and insights in teaching and learning. Eight workshops were held in 2022 for academic staff members. The University also offered two enrichment modules for UG students: African Insights (AIOM) and Artificial Intelligence in 4IR (AIFIR). These modules are essential in expanding the relevance of learning for employability purposes in a nationally responsive and globally relevant manner. A student must complete at least one of these modules for graduation. In 2022, 2 305 students completed the AIFIR module, compared to 1 616 in 2021. In the case of the AIOM module, 1 287 completed it in 2022 compared to 1 378 in 2021. The total completion over the last three years was 5 824 and 4 487 for AIFIR and AIOM, respectively. The University seeks to equip all its students with the skills and knowledge to succeed in future study or employment. As such, the CBE also offers a non-compulsory Student Personal Development Programme aimed at first-year undergraduate students. It was piloted in the Department of Accountancy in 2021 and then rolled out to the wider CBE in 2022. In 2022, 1 237 students completed the programme. Students who did not complete the programme will be nudged to do so in their second and third years of study. In addition, CBE provides course content that is cutting-edge, unique, and highly relevant to the marketplace. This is confirmed through various prominent areas of study within CBE. The results for the 2023 Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings by Subject placed Psychology at #2 and Business and Economics at #4 in South Africa, with both climbing one level up in their previous years’ bands. There are other ranking systems, such as the Global Ranking of Academic Subjects of Shanghai Ranking, where CBE’s Hospitality & Tourism Management has climbed globally from #18 to #9 in a recent publication. UJ retained its position as #1 in South Africa and Africa for the field of Marketing Management. Furthermore, the quality of our teaching is also recognised by various professional bodies that follow rigorous accreditation and review processes. These include the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, Financial Planning Institute of Southern Africa, Health Professions Council of South Africa, SA Board for People Practices, International Coaching Affiliation, and Certified Financial Analyst Institute. UJ is the first university in South Africa to offer the CGMA Finance Leadership Program™. The CGMA Finance Leadership Program™ (FLP) enables students to complete the coveted Chartered Institutes of Management Accountants (CIMA) qualifications in a more structured and cost-effective way.

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 13 Research and Innovation – Footprint and Impact RESEARCH OUTPUTS The scale of the CBE research activities is substantial, involving a considerable number of active researchers with a total of 675 research output units from 1.131 publications, indicating a publications per capita rate of 3.15. There was a growth in journal and conference outputs, which also reflects the post-COVID ability to travel again. Most notably, journal articles exceeded the 500mark barrier for the first time. There was also a significant increase in SOTL publications overall, which reflects how CBE researchers reflected on their teaching and learning experiences during and after COVID. One hundred seventy-six publications had COVID in their titles. Opening our doors for collaborations dedicated to rigorous research leads to long-lasting connections and scholarly insights that translate to long-term policy impacts. The recently launched Oxford Handbook of the South African Economy edited by Arkebe Oqubay (Professor of Practice), Fiona Tregenna (DST/NRF South African Research Chair in Industrial Development), and Imraan Valodia (WITS Dean: Faculty of Commerce, Law, and Management) was among notable publications. The President of the Republic of South Africa, His Excellency Cyril Ramaphosa, gave the keynote address at the book’s launch, the first comprehensive handbook on the South African economy. RESEARCH IMPACT CBE research reflects how CBE actively engaged in social and economic matters important to South Africa: economic performance, risk, COVID, technology, the youth, and tourism. CBE research continues to be original, rigorous, and impactful, as evidenced by improvements in the impact metrics. The number of Scopuslisted publications increased to 658 (+14.24%), Scopus-listed publications in collaboration with

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 14 international scholars increased to 46% (+3.60%), and Scopus citations are standing at 7,582 (+16.52%). Publications in the Top 10% of global journals (SNIP) increased by 14.38% to 31%. These positive developments are not surprising, considering that several highly cited researchers are affiliated with the College. The Highly Cited Researchers list prepared by Clarivate Analytics recognises researchers that are in the top 1% of their respective fields; the College boasts affiliations with the following: Prof Samuel Fosso Wamba, a Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Department of Applied Information Systems (CBE) and a Professor at TBS Education, France Prof Nripendra Rana, a Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Department of Marketing Management (CBE) and a Professor in Marketing at the College of Business and Economics at Qatar University, Doha Prof Sascha Kraus, a Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Department of Business Management (CBE) and a Professor of Management at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy Prof Robin Nunkoo, a Distinguished Visiting Professor in the School of Tourism and Hospitality (CBE) based at the University of Mauritius. Prof Arnold Bakker, a Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management (CBE) and a Professor of Work and Organisational Psychology at Erasmus University Rotterdam

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 15 POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWS (PDRFS) There has been considerable growth in PDRFs over the past years, accompanied by a corresponding increase in the number of output units produced. In 2022, The number of PDRFs increased from 12 in 2017 to 50 in 2022. Their average output per capita increased from 0.8 in 2020 to 1.1 in 2021. The University supports the appointment of highperforming PDRFs as senior PDRFs. Drs Adekanmbi, Shava, and Hassan received PDRF excellence awards within CBE. Dr Foluso Adekanmbi, a senior PDRF in the Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management under Prof Wilfred Ukpere, published more than 30 accredited articles within three years Dr Elvin Shava, a senior PDRF in the School of Public Management, Governance, and Public Policy under Prof Shikha Vyas-Doorgapersad, published 12 accredited articles and three accredited book chapters Dr Adewale Hassan, a PDRF in the School of Public Management, Governance, and Public Policy, has published 23 accredited research articles under the supervision of Prof Danie Meyer RESEARCH STRUCTURES The CBE houses an institute, a laboratory, seven centres, three chairs, and three SARChI chairs dedicated to research and community development: 1. The Institute for Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS)(Africa), located within the Department of Transport and Supply Chain Management, responds to industry needs for independent, unbiased, relevant, and up-to-date research. Its international partner institution is the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at the University of Sydney. To maximise the impact of transport and supply chain research on South African society and economy, ITLS (Africa) provides specialist high-level research services for both the private and public sectors, focusing on the most urgent research priorities in the country. 2. The Food Evolution Research Laboratory (FERL) contributes to combatting malnutrition among children in South Africa. FERL, in collaboration with SavitriBhai Phule Pune University and the Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, India, conducted a study on “Livelihood transition, poverty and childcare transition and its effect on child undernutrition in the tribal/peri-urban regions of India and South Africa”. FERL and the Department of Basic Education collaborate on the National Nutrition School Programme (NSNP). In partnership with the Centre for Social Development in Africa (CSDA) at UJ, FERL conducted a study on “The Effects of COVID-19 on in-school Nutrition”. A virtual symposium addressed “Work-Life-Food Balance”. 3. The Centre of Local Economic Development (CENLED) has a scholarly book series. Various international scholars and associates of CENLED, incorporating the PASCAL (Place, Social Capital, and Learning Regions) International Observatory, have contributed chapters to the latest scholarly book published in 2022. Promoting sustainable local economic development initiatives: Case studies covers various national and international LED cases, focusing on arts and culture, youth development, small- and micro-enterprises, the green economy, the circular economy, the importance of the

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 16 informal sector and resettlement. It unlocks the potential of a substantial agenda for university researchers to support innovative attempts to find new ways to achieve just, sustainable LED initiatives and build global consciousness and empathy in progressing towards a sustainable world. 4. The Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development (CCRED) undertakes rigorous research in industrial development, competition and economic regulation, and regional value chains. The aim is to produce knowledge demonstrating the links between inequality and the economy’s structure and identifying opportunities for structural transformation for broader economic participation in South Africa and the region. CCRED further delivers education, training, and capacitybuilding support to empower professionals and institutions responsible for policy-making and implementation in these fields. It includes specialist advice to competition authorities and regulators in competition enforcement and economic development. The Centre collaborates with leading experts in these fields through strategic partnerships with foremost institutions and universities to ensure global relevance. 5. The Centre for Public Management and Governance offers two well-established flagship CEPs. These programmes are integrated academic and professional distance education programmes designed for students, working professionals, and elected local political leaders offered through online technology-enhanced distance learning. The Centre hosts national and global research associates, senior research associates and a distinguished visiting professor, Prof M de Vries (Netherlands). The Centre has international partnerships and engages with organisations such as the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) and the National School of Government (NSG). 6. The Public and Environment Economic Research Centre (PEERC) focuses on essential, applied, strategic research in environmental economics. Governments and development agencies have recognised the critical role of environmental assets for sustainable development. This increased focus on a healthy environment has shifted the fiscal debates worldwide to policies that promote the effective incorporation of environmental concerns into development decision-making. 7. The Technopreneurship Centre is a creativity and innovation hub that addresses industries’ most pressing unresolved challenges, researched and solved by our students, supported by exceptional academics. The Centre fosters collaboration among students and industry partners to build technologies through hackathons. Students structure real-life innovative solutions in intelligent software systems, video games, mobile applications (apps), and other technological solutions that address business, economic and societal challenges required by industries, local communities, and the government. 8. The Centre for Applied Data Science (CADS) is the expression of the passion of the CBE to embed data science into the teaching, research, and community efforts of the college. CADS has established strong national and international partnerships, including TBS Education in France and Sol Plaatje University in South Africa, to enhance its research, teaching, and learning efforts. In 2022, CADS organised the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Day event, which brought together researchers, educators, and practitioners to showcase their ideas and praxis in AI. The event coincided with the official launch of CADS, which was marked by addresses from the outgoing VC, Prof. Marwala, and the current DVC, Prof. Sinha. CADS currently offers two PG qualifications, the Master of Applied Data Science (MADS) and the Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in Applied Data Science, with plans to expand its portfolio of programmes to include more PG and UG programmes in the future. 9. The Centre for Work Performance aims to spearhead applied research in the world of work and broader society. We combine theory and practice that embrace applied research in the workplace and communities to contribute to organisational sustainability, broader economic upliftment, growth, and competitiveness. Therefore, the Centre structures activities around five focus areas: Sustainable leadership, Meaningful work and Well-being, 4IR Talent management, Strategic Rewards Management, and Contemporary HR Solutions to deliver empirical research and practice-based research, talent development interventions, training and consultation and community enrichment. 10. The UJ/ETDP-Seta Chair in 4IR conducts fourth industrial revolution research-related projects on behalf of the education, training, and

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 17 development practices SETA (ETDP-SETA). The Chair conceptualised and set up the 4IR hubs in the 10 TVET Colleges, a Department of Higher Education and Training, Science, and Innovation initiative. Training solutions are developed by actioning the research outcomes’ identified gaps. In this regard, the Chair creates short learning programmes. In 2022, the TVET colleges’ finance staff and unemployed youth in Gauteng enrolled. 11. The Wholesale and Retail Seta Leadership Chair (Gauteng) (WRSLC) conducts exceptional national and internationally relevant research. It equips retail professionals and academics with the knowledge and skills to meet the demands of the 4th industrial revolution. Research is aligned with the national imperative to encourage more postgraduate studies and to increase research outputs through accredited research articles, books, book chapters and conference proceedings. 12. The TETA 4IR Research Chair conducts evidence-based research for a better understanding of the future of the transport sector’s skills needs. In addition, it contributes to transforming the industry by training transport sector employees in 4IR technologies, improving societal mobility solutions and increasing the employability of transport trainees. Ultimately, these outcomes will support policy responsiveness and the six TETA strategic pillars. RESEARCH FUNDING Much of the CBE’s research activity is funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF) and competitively won research grants. Research income rose to R30 million in 2022, an increase of 16.8% compared to 2021. Revenue for research projects with a contract stipulating the deliverables grew by more than 58%. This growth was particularly noteworthy given the continued disruption to research experienced across the University due to the pandemic. Selected research funding highlights in the past year include: • Dr Stiehler-Mulder secured R2.3 million from the Wholesale and Retail SETA for youth skills development and professionalisation of the retail industry. • CCRED secured R8.97 million from the Department of Trade and Industry to support the Industrial Development Think Tank (IDTT) in better understanding the challenges of industrialisation. • Prof Chioma Okoro secured BankSeta funding of R3.87 million for students undertaking research in Technology, Digitisation and Innovation, and Management and Leadership Development within the Department of Finance and Investment Management. • Professors Tregenna and Visiting Professor Padmashree Gehl Sampath (Harvard University) secured a significant international research grant of R11,5 million from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH for the project: Accelerating Vaccine Production in Africa.

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 18 Partnerships, Stakeholder and Community Engagement JOINT, EXCHANGE, AND STUDY ABROAD PROGRAMMES (INCLUDING VIRTUAL) CBE engaged in various strategic endeavours on internationalisation. Collaboration in hosting conferences and applications for funding with international partners allows students to present their work and participate in exchange programmes. The partnerships with CBE range from institution to institution. A debate series for doctoral students in collaboration with the SARChI-Trilateral Research Chair in Transformative Innovation (TRCTI ) on Energy and Innovation policy in the energy sector, between Prof. David Walwyn (Visiting Professor) and Prof. Rasmus Lema (GES 4.0 Visiting Professor) was held. Thirty CBE students participated in the Africa by Bus initiative to Namibia to be exposed to foreign markets, international businesses, and different African cultures and, secondly, to align their knowledge with the Free African Trade Policy. In 2022, there was a formidable flow of inbound and outbound staff and student activity – the CBE mobility target was exceeded by 14 times. Nkosingiphile Mkhize was awarded a Fulbright Foreign Student Program scholarship, one of the most prestigious programmes globally. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PROJECTS CBE staff participate in different media platforms disseminating their knowledge covering various topics in economics, digital technologies, public finances, etc. The School of Tourism and Hospitality (STH) launched an Extended Reality (XR) Lab in 2022. The XR facility is established through the Food Evolution Research Laboratory (FERL), a virtual research laboratory located within STH, in collaboration with the Metaverse Research Unit at the University. FERL specifically focuses on the evolution of food and research to enhance people’s lifestyles in communities that recognise the importance of health and nutrition.

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 19 In Global Academic Citizenship and Leadership, Prof Fiona Tregenna is a member of the Task Force on Employment, a global Initiative for Policy Dialogue (IPD), residing with Columbia University and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), chaired by Prof Stiglitz. Prof Erika Kraemer Mbula participated in a conference on policy dialogue on the informal economy in Africa. The conference included government officials, representatives of the African Union Commission, employers’, workers’ organisations, development agencies, informal economy actors, academics, and civil society organisations (a national and international audience). Prof Talita Greyling, in partnership with the Erasmus University Rotterdam, has been conducting public research on the happiness and emotions of countries participating in the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™. Prof Fiona Tregenna Prof Erika Kraemer Mbula Prof Talita Greyling

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 20 Alumni and stakeholder engagements and external funding On 27 May 2022, CBE attended the launch of the UJ Zimbabwean Alumni Chapter in Harare, Zimbabwe. The first Alumni Chapter to be launched in Africa in collaboration with the UJ Internationalisation Division, UJ Alumni Division, and the President of the UJ Convocation. An estimated 973 CBE graduates from Zimbabwe walked the UJ stage, and reconnection with these alumni opened an alma mater and friends’ network to explore mutually beneficial collaboration opportunities. CBE also supports its accountancy graduates in preparing for the Initial Test of Competence (ITC), the first professional assessment by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants. CBE is the most significant contributor of residential and distance-learning universities of African students to the Accounting Profession, contributing an astonishing 21% of the total number of first-time African candidates who have passed across the 18 SAICA-accredited universities. The University pass rate for first-time African candidates is 27% higher than the national average. The Dignitas awards, hosted by the Council, honour individuals for their outstanding contributions to the higher education sector, and UJ alumni for their contributions to the growth and advancement of the institution. In 2022, Ms Mamello MatikincaNgwenya, CBE alumni, received this award for her ambition and excellence as one of the youngest chief economists in South Africa’s history. Fitness for global excellence and stature requires the College to be financially stable, generate external income, and increase third-stream income. In addition to research funding, CBE has contributed about R326m (41%) of the University’s third-stream revenue. The funds come from different sources, including offering non-subsidised programmes, consultancy, donations, internal transfers, etc. Third-stream income is mainly used to fund the appointment of additional staff, bursaries, building international relations, marketing, and for causes such as research support. CBE stakeholder management extends to other stakeholders that continue to make a name for themselves, such as Mr. Ajen Sita (Ernst & Young Africa CEO and Professor of Practice), who was awarded the Leader in Business Award at the SAICA Difference Makers Awards, and Ms Monica Singer, Professor of Practice, for achieving the Woman in Web 3 Award at the Women in Tech Africa Awards. She was appointed to the Global Digital Asset and Cryptocurrency (DCA) Association’s Advisory Board. CBE successfully nominated Mr. Mteto Nyati, a South African visionary, for a PhD Honoris Causa (IT Management) for his outstanding contribution to the South African business sector and humanity. Mr. Ajen Sita Ms Monica Singer

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 21 Transformation The College takes transformation very seriously, along with the different themes of the University’s Transformation Division. The advancement of employment equity, including women and people with disabilities, remains a key focus. In 2022, 65.56% of all staff were black, and 54.67% were women. CBE is committed to a recruitment plan that will improve equity representation at all levels to reflect the demographics of South Africa. Talent management and CBE’s prominent participation in development programmes like AAMP will strengthen the efforts for a representative pool of leaders ready to take responsibility. Faculty Governance and Risk Management CBE has robust and well-functioning governance structures to ensure the academic integrity of critical decision-making. Notwithstanding, all staff have a responsibility towards governance. This function is enhanced by the institutionalisation of the Head: Quality Assurance office. Several governance structures are in place to ensure academic oversight and programme quality. These committees comprise the College Leadership Team, Higher Degrees Committee, Teaching and Learning Committee, Research Ethics Committee, and Decolonisation Committee. Decisions are ratified and taken at the Board of College, and further inputs are made at the Programme Working Committee. Effective risk management is at the core of good governance. CBE has a flexible risk management process with the risk register revisited frequently and seeking to mitigate potential or identified risks. The dynamic nature of risk management is reflected in the year-on-year changes to the University Risk Register noted below. There were several risks identified during the year. This included employee burnout, the consequences of staff/student mental well-being associated with the pandemic, the integrity of online assessment, and deepened the need for student financial support. Appropriate responses were implemented, such as the Dean’s Support Staff Reconnect Lunch, Self-Care & SelfLove seminars, secretaries acknowledgement (Image below), students’ wellness series, academic integrity campaigns, and CBE putting aside student financial support.

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2022 22 Finance and Resource Management CBE manages its finances transparently and prudently. This is fundamental to long-term sustainability, together with efforts that generate additional income, contributing to the University’s resources. CBE’s financial position remains stable, and we have maintained reasonably strong income streams to support the academic project and the institutional objectives. CBE is well-placed to be still able to invest in its strategic priorities, including helping students who are academically deserving but who carry historic debt. Environmental sustainability An unstable climate, increasing carbon emissions, and accelerating biodiversity loss require urgent action. CBE is building on the experience of the pandemic and the potential shift to more environmentally sustainable working practices. We are an increasingly all-digital office committed to continually improving our paper use. Research shows that the most effective way to reduce the climate impact of diet is to consume less meat and dairy and eat more plant-based foods. Through the School of Tourism and Hospitality operations, CBE makes vegetarian food options available at most outlets. The Food Evolution Research Laboratory is involved in research projects that influence thinking, choices, and health, nutrition, and food waste management decisions. Our Programme Qualification Mix includes curricula on sustainability and how to account for environmental rehabilitation. THE WAY AHEAD The 2022 achievements of CBE are attributable to the hard work, dedication, and resilience of all staff members, students, and the rest of our stakeholders. Even with the achievements, there are challenges ahead. Presently the CBE needs to establish a stable leadership team where all vacant posts are filled on a more permanent basis, which will build on the College’s previous successes to address current challenges. Graduate output and module success rates are down, and academically deserving students need help to fund their studies. We will work collectively as one CBE to provide a humane environment in which everyone can contribute and flourish and where differences are valued while we stay devoted to the following strategic commitments: • Attract and admit students from all backgrounds with outstanding academic potential. • Raise funds to support the best students and other CBE strategic initiatives to ensure financial sustainability. • Attract, recruit, and retain high-quality staff. • Work towards an increasingly diverse staff profile that reflects the demographics of South Africa in senior academic and leadership positions. • Invest in tools with digital capabilities for responsive decision-making and timeous interventions and streamlining administrative processes. • Promote and enable ambitious research of exceptional quality, while providing experienced researchers and visiting scholars’ opportunities to contribute towards capacity building. • Engage with the public, industry, and policymakers to inform our research and teaching to produce graduates equipped to leverage emerging digital technologies for societal impact. At the core of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a set of 17 interlinked Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The holistic, interdisciplinary approach of CBE’s research programme will underscore the ability to integrate expertise and knowledge across multiple disciplines to address goals and illuminate their interconnections through establishing research themes based on SDGs. I look forward to another full year of significant events and impactful research.