2021 CBE Annual Report

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2021 52 Dr Thando Vilakazi Director: Centre of Competition and Economic Development (CCRED), School of Economics College of Business and Economics, University of Johannesburg CCRED applies knowledge to provide expert advice, training and capacity building for competition authorities, economic regulators and governments. Centre of Competition and Economic Development (CCRED) OVERVIEW The Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development (CCRED) at the University of Johannesburg works to build a knowledge base through rigorous research on key issues of competition, regulation and the conduct of large firms, as it relates to regional development in Southern and East Africa. CCRED applies this knowledge to provide expert advice, training and capacity building for competition authorities, economic regulators and governments. Key highlights for the year under review include the publication and launch of the edited volume on Structural Transformation in South Africa: The Challenges of Inclusive Industrial Development in a Middle-Income Country; hosting of the 6th edition of the African Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Week; and participation in various international and local conferences, symposia and seminars geared towards informing policy debates. This is in addition to continuing a strong publication record based on ongoing research programmes. This report draws attention to some of the achievements for the period under review. TALENT MANAGEMENT AND CAPACITY BUILDING CCRED places a premium on personal and professional development of its staff and attracting the best available talent to align with the vision of research excellence and impact. In 2021, CCRED welcomed 4 master’s and doctoral level researchers to the organisation, which brings the total of highly skilled scholars directly working on research projects at the Centre to 13. The model that underpins the talent management and capacity building approach comprises three elements. Firstly, CCRED has a rigorous recruitment process that ensures its talent acquisition procedure delivers high calibre candidates who share the core values of the centre and the university, have the foundational competencies to excel over time, and can contribute effectively to a dynamic and challenging research environment. An important