2021 CBE Annual Report

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2021 37 DHET-NRF SARChI Chair in Entrepreneurship Education Prof Cecile Nieuwenhuizen Chair: South African Research Chair in Entrepreneurship Education College of Business and Economics, University of Johannesburg OVERVIEW Prof Cecile Nieuwenhuizen, the grant holder and Chair of SARChI: Entrepreneurship Education (EE) looks back on a successful 2021. Prof Nieuwenhuizen set out to share expertise on postschool entrepreneurship education, which includes knowledge creation and all the conditions that influence the eco-systems in entrepreneurship. Knowledge creation on entrepreneurship research as such is grown and maintained by Prof Natanya Meyer, while the research on scholarship of teaching and learning within entrepreneurship education is promoted by Prof Thea Tselepis. Postdoctoral research fellows (PDFRs), visiting professors as well as research associates assisted with various dimensions of knowledge creation in four research focus areas. During 2021, the dynamic SARChI: EE team published 17 research units in international and accredited journals; the Chair was well represented on national and international platforms and promoted the agenda of interdisciplinary entrepreneurial competencies under student-preneurs as well. TALENT MANAGEMENT AND CAPACITY BUILDING Five doctoral students were supervised in SARChI: EE while three graduated in 2020/21. One master’s student continued and is fully funded by the Chair. Two of the doctoral students completed joint degrees supervised in the Netherlands and in Scotland. Four doctoral students are also pursuing careers in academia and are therefore growing research skills and other academic skills (such as research assistance and lecturing) beyond only a doctoral qualification. In addition, the Chair also embarked on supervision of honours and postgraduate diploma students in the Department of Business Management with topics related to entrepreneurship (eight students benefited in this regard). Six research associates were appointed in 2021 and six visiting professors were appointed bringing the total appointed visiting professors to 11 in 2021. Two PDRFs were appointed to the Chair and all research related to the focus areas that were identified. Post-school entrepreneurship education is critical for growing developing economies. It creates skills and knowledge for conditions that influence entrepreneurship ecosystems.