2019 CBE Annual Report

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2019 57 the sth kerzner FAcilities AwArded 4-stAr grAding sth made history in 2019 by becoming the first institution to be awarded 4-star grading for its meetings, Exhibitions and special Events (mEsE) venues by the tourism grading Council of south Africa. the commercial arm of the sth, trading under the name, the kerzner@ uJ, boasts state-of-the-art conferencing, banqueting, function, coffee shop and restaurant facilities. community engAgement the sth is actively involved in the university’s community engagement programmes. second-year students and staff contributed to the tinned food collection and clothing donation drive. All contributions went to the tsepang orphanage outreach programme. Design Elements Print Media Digital Media Event Elem Visual style 2 Design Elements Print Media Digital Media