College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2019 51 overview the school of Public management, governance and Public Policy (PmgPP) holds national recognition as one of the most successful local government training institutions and are gaining international recognition. the school continuously aims to build on best practices. during 2019 the school established and strengthened important and mutual beneficial continental and international partnerships and relationships. the school is very proud of our small, but highly efficient, dedicated, and accomplished employee cohort. stAFF Achievements prof danielle nel was appointed as an independent non-Executive director of the directors association as an advisory board member. the directors association is a non-profit independent professional body that educates, equips and places nonexecutive directors on various boards across the country. prof danielle nel (1) was appointed as Chief Editor of Administration Publica a dhEt accredited journal in november 2019. proF christelle AuriAcombe Director: School of Public Management, Governance and Public Policy Prof dE uwizeyimana (2) and dr d ukwandu (3) presented a publication facilitation workshop at the national university of science and technology (nust) graduate school of Business (gsB) between 26 and 28 march 2019. it was also a purpose of the visit to discuss the operationalisation of a signed mou entered into between uJ and nust on academic collaboration. prof mahomed Jahed (4) was appointed on the Board of directors of the nEpAd Business foundation (nBf), one of Africa’s leading membership-based foundations, which promotes sustainable economic and social development on the continent. the nBf is a non-profit company that mobilises private sector support for the implementation of new partnership for Africa’s development (nEpAd) goals. Prof shikha Vyas-doorgapersad (5) was interviewed by soweto tV together with the Executive mayor to analyse and unpack the state of the City address speech. the interview telecasted on soweto tV channel 251 on thursday 2 may 2019 at 20:30. the Road traffic management Cooperation (RtmC), an entity that reports to the minister of transport, invited dr sydney mufamadi (6) to chair a peer review panel to review a report produced by a review committee to streamline the management of road traffic enforcement and to improve coordination between the various spheres of government dealing with road traffic regulation.