2019 CBE Annual Report

48 progrAmme review the human resource management programme in the department of industrial Psychology and People management was fully accredited for five years by a review panel of the south African Board for people Practices (saBPP) during may. the panel reviewed all undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications offered by the department and considered teaching and learning, research and supervision, leadership and administration and industry partnerships. the panel made positive recommendations and provided radiant feedback. stAFF Achievements Prof Crystal hoole (5) was appointed as Editor-in-Chief of the SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, to take up the position in 2020. saJiP is a significant and cutting-edge, peer reviewed journal listed on scielo sA, scopus and iBss. Department of Transport and Supply Chain Management progrAmme improvements the department of transport and supply Chain management rolled out two new Advanced diplomas (transportation and logistics, respectively), both face to face and online. The Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management Team