College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2019 43 stAFF Achievements CCrEd, in collaboration with the sArChi Chair of prof fiona tregenna, is responsible to draft the new industrial policy for south africa. (3) prof Johane dikgang received the water research Commission top achiever award: Knowledge tree awardee (Category: transformation & Redress). (4) dr marius Venter has been appointed by the minister for small Business development as the deputy chairperson of the small Enterprise development agency and by the Chief director dhE on the advisory committee of the ministerial Committee in respect of Entrepreneurial universities. (5) Prof Erika Kraemer-mbula received a fellowship by the women for Africa foundation, under its programme sCiEnCE By womEn. (6) prof Erika kraemer-mbula was awarded a sArChi Chair in innovation Economics. the Council of the Economic society of south africa awarded the J.J.i. middleton medal for the best article published in the South African Journal of Economics, to prof kevin s nell for his paper entitled, ’re-examining the role of structural change and nonlinearities in a phillips curve model for south Africa’. (7)