2019 CBE Annual Report

24 CBE Knowledge Generation and Dissemination 2019 Cum Laude Master’s and Doctoral Graduates with Supervisors) proF kelvin bwAlyA Vice-Dean: Research, Innovation and Internationalisation overview postgraduate enrolment and research output serve as pull factors in the CBE strategy. Vice-dean, Prof Kelvin Bwalya, leads the CBE Research and internationalisation portfolio. the CBE higher degrees Committee has tightened postgraduate governance in terms of more rigorous selection and supervision practices, as well as student monitoring and support measures. with the changing funding models in research funding and increased expectance for impact research, the CBE is positioning itself to retain research excellence going forward. the current environment entails that there is increased need for research innovation and adaptation. with the world facing greater challenges, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, there is increased reliance on quality and impactful research throughout the whole socioeconomic value chains. As a result, the CBE has now extended its cadre of researchers to include talented postgraduate students, increased cohort of postdoctoral research fellows (pdrfs), increased national and international collaborators, and all supervisors and lecturers. the 2019 research output was 25% more than for 2018. Research quality has continuously improved with more than 75% of CBE research outputs appearing in high-impact journals. overall, there is increased research capacity in the CBE considering that more than 13 academics completed their doctoral degrees in 2019. postgrAduAte output in 2019, the CBE conferred 1 673 postgraduate qualifications, among which were 380 postgraduate diplomas, 1 075 honours degrees, 180 master’s degrees and 38 doctorates.