2019 CBE Annual Report

20 Amendments were grounded on the cbe philosophy thAt our grAduAtes require An intellectuAl compAss to Find their wAy through the mAze oF technologicAl developments chAnging the world oF work. the CBE schools and departments have continued to actively engage their programme offerings and have made, to varying extents, several changes in terms of content and delivery. Various opportunities for staff development were also provided at College and school/ departmental levels. the CBE’s mix of delivery modes is also changing steadily with the development and offering of fully online programmes and the move towards a more blended form of teaching and learning for contact-based programmes. in 2019, the CBE offered about 142 subsidised academic programmes, comprising 45 undergraduate and 97 postgraduate qualifications respectively, to just over 18 000 students, spread across 12 academic departments across three campuses, with a total of about 360 academic staff members. the extensive offering of continuing education programmes to about 6 500 students provides an additional indication of the extent to which the CBE caters for industry needs. progrAmme improvements Curriculum renewal and the development of new offerings in the postgraduate environment have resulted in a rich mix of honours, postgraduate diplomas, master’s and doctoral programmes that promote knowledge production and awareness in critical areas of society and the economy. in reimagining CBE impact, access to our best programmes was widened at the bottom of our educational pyramid (higher Education Qualifications framework level 5) through a well-designed and sensibly articulated system into levels 6 to 7. major shifts in the college business model, framed by the impact of the fourth industrial revolution, are accomplished through enrolment planning and the application of technology in teaching and learning. in addition, informed curriculum amendments have been made to various modules in a range of programmes, to consider technological advancements. amendments were grounded on the CBE philosophy that our graduates require an intellectual compass to find their way through the maze of technological developments changing the world of work. Key questions considered are: • how can we develop a fine-tuned intellectual compass in the heads (thinking), hearts (behaviour) and hands (skills) of undergraduates? • how can we streamline our current 39 undergraduate programmes housing 16 000 students so that academics and administrators alike can free up time to think and innovate? • What does a future-fit diploma, advanced diploma, bachelor’s degree and a BCom degree look like? in finding answers, the CBE has capitalised on the wisdom derived from the CBE collective using world Café methodology – a structured conversational process – in August 2019 in which just over a 100 academics participated. the result was a clear view on four outcomes associated with a CBE qualification, namely constructive behavioural skills, cognitive flexibility, interpreting the impact of digitisation on humanity and work, as well as the interpretation of enterprise agility.