2019 CBE Annual Report

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2019 19 proF sivAn chetty Vice-Dean: Teaching and Learning proF mAritA pietersen CBE Head: Quality Assurance overview CBE teaching and learning is overseen by Prof sivan Chetty, Vice-dean: teaching and learning, supported by Prof marita Pietersen, CBE head: Quality assurance. the year 2019 presented an opportunity for much contemplation and conversation. the move towards increased nationalism and protectionist economic policies in major economies, the wave of political protests across the globe, heightened environmental concerns, and the impetus in technological advancement associated with the fourth industrial Revolution (4iR) are some key issues that have occupied academic thought and discourse in 2019. given the extent to which shifting global realities impact business and economies, it is of vital importance that the CBE remains relevant in its core business of developing human capital that keeps pace with the changing world of work. following a period of administrative transition in 2017/2018, the CBE set itself firmly on a path of critical reflection and academic transformation in 2019. this, in the context of teaching and learning, involves questions regarding the CBE’s academic staff capacity for teaching for a 4iR-driven economy; the attributes of CBE graduates in terms of relevance, scope and level; and its programme and qualification mix (PQm) in terms of appropriateness, scope and depth. The need for cognitive flexibility, digitisationrelated skills, enterprise agility and key behavioural skills were identified as important areas of knowledge and skills development at a CBE World Café Workshop held on August 2019. CBE Teaching and Learning