2019 CBE Annual Report

18 Design Elements Print Media Digital Media Event Elemen Visual style 2 Design Elements Print Media Digital Media looking ForwArd overall, the CBE has progressed well in 2019. underpinning the mindset of all the staff in the College is the theme of connectedness, of productive and active interdisciplinary connections within the College, as well as a vast set of continental and international connections, to ensure that globally, the uJ College of Business and Economics is top of mind and top of class. looking forward, analysis of the CBE value chain reveals that there is still much work to be done to realise the ambitions of our country and our continent. • in terms of talent management, we need to strengthen our partnership with our students in finding ways to improve student retention and graduation in minimum time. Also, increase the involvement of excellent global visiting scholars and nominate more members of staff and CBE stakeholders for prestigious awards. • in building scholarly capacity, we need to work harder at building our financial reserves as a source of capital to fund greenfield projects and the attraction of full professors. here, the evolving role of the CBE professoriate in attracting external funding is emphasised. • Even though the teaching and learning portfolio is doing fine, a great deal of rethinking and imagination is required to maintain momentum in building a streamlined programme qualification mix at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. • the research portfolio needs to improve on overall academic productivity, notably the weak state of master’s and doctoral graduation rates and driving intangible value add in the course of master’s and doctoral studies. finally, a far better relationship should be established with postgraduate alumni to boost employment opportunities for undergraduates, to mentor new members of academic staff and to create more bursary opportunities through crowd funding. We are confident that the CBE, with the collaboration of all role-players across the private and public sectors, as well as civil society, will help to turn business into a powerful engine that drives our economy forward. we express our deep appreciation for individual and collective commitment to our future impact. CBE − a Shifting BUSinESS modEl in 2019, the CBE generated r252 million in third-stream revenue, showing a substantial shift in strategic revenue generation. About r46 million of this source of revenue was derived from research-based funding, including contract research, nrf-funding, publication subsidies, and urC grants. the remaining R212 million consisted mostly of income from CEPs (55%), donations (17%), public sales (5%) and online tuition (2%). A critical success factor in delivering non-subsidised academic programmes is productive three-party agreements. these typically involve uJ, a multinational or parastatal, and a global partner. for example, the partnership between the department of transport and supply Chain management, transnet, and the glasgow Caledonian university is delivering a Bsc in Railway operations. Partnerships also led to consistent delivery of excellent learning products and services, as well as well-planned articulation into diploma and degree programmes