College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2019 17 common good First – digitAl story-telling project the johAnnesburg business school (jbs) the JBs, directed by Prof lyal White, is purposed to be a pan-African Business school with a global mindset, preparing people and organisations to be future fit, through innovation and purpose in society at large. the newly established JBs is steadily growing into one of the big five south african business schools towards 2024. in meeting this growth target, the JBs will introduce the uJ mBA in 2020 and has launched an excellent recruitment strategy. the JBs has also hosted a range of executive education programmes themed on 4ir and a range of customised corporate programmes. the Centre for African Business was established within the JBs and contributes to CBE teaching and learning south Africa’s voiceless communities can now tell their own stories with the support of our Common good first – digital story-telling Project, in partnership with nelson mandela university. the first digital lab was launched in port Elizabeth; uJ’s satellite lab has been set up on the soweto Campus. CBE staff involved in the project are ms adelaide sheik, ms Joyce sibeko and dr Chris schachtebeck. the digital story-telling Project was conceptualised to grow the emerging south African social innovation sector, by creating a digital network – known as Common good first – to capture and showcase social impact projects in south Africa, connecting them to one another, academics and hEis around the world. it provides an online directory of innovative social projects for learning and teaching, as well as offering opportunities for community engagement to students in south Africa and the European union (Eu). in so doing, it also addresses the issue of the ‘digital divide’, as identified by the country’s national development Plan 2030, by supporting the growth of eskills among community groups. innovative digital storytelling modules will be codesigned and taught by young people in our partner hEis and in community projects. modules in digital storytelling created for both student engagement with the wider community, and community projects themselves, will be rolled out in mobile labs, focusing on rural, peri-urban and urban locations.