College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2019 13 2 4 8 6 1 5 7 3 postdoctorAl reseArch Fellows in addition, the number of postdoctoral research fellow appointments increased from 27 to 48 in 2019. stAFF Accomplishments CBE staff are internationally and locally visible by being elected on to the boards of learned societies, being appointed as visiting professors at global universities, giving keynote presentations at international conferences, securing notable international conferences for south Africa, and hosting conferences that brought leading experts together for dialogue and networking. president ramaphosa has appointed prof fiona tregenna (1) as a member of the presidential Economic advisory Council. the Council, chaired by the President, is made up of international and national experts advising on economic policy. Prof amanda dempsey (2) (senior director: school of accounting) was elected to the Education advisory Committee of the pan-African federation of Accountants. prof Carl marnewick (3) (department of Applied information systems, CBE school of Consumer intelligence and information management) was elected to the European academy of management Board from 2019 to 2022. prof Johane dikgang (4) (school of Economics) was announced as the water research Commission top achiever: Knowledge tree awardee in the category transformation and redress. three CBE academics have received vC distinguished Awards in 2019. prof tankiso moloi (5) (school of accounting) was recognised as the most promising young researcher of the year. Prof ade-ibijola (6) and Prof dr marius wait (7) (both from the school of Consumer intelligence and information systems) were recognised as innovators of the year. two of the three university-based members of the sa Competition tribunal are now from the uJ CBE, namely dr thando Vilakazi (8) (director of the Centre for Competition, regulation and Economic development) and prof fiona tregenna (1) (dst/nrf south African research Chair in industrial development). the school of tourism and hospitality has made history, climbing to the 18th position in the global shanghai subject rankings and becoming the first of its kind to be graded as a four-star events facility by the tourism grading Council of south Africa. the sth has also celebrated its 50th birthday and raised R2 million from alumni in support of teaching and learning. Design Elements Visual style 2