10 Table 2: CBE 2019 performance snapshot input 2017 2018 2019 trend output 2017 2018 2019 trend enrolment proFile grAduAte output total subsidised enrolment 19 737 19 077 18 169 -784 total graduate output (n) 5 297 5 251 5 348 26 ug enrolment 22 525 22 132 21 840 -343 ug output 3 865 4 030 3 854 -6 subsidised diplomas 6 773 6 393 6 110 -332 pg output 1 756 1 817 1 673 -42 subsidised degrees 10 088 9 756 9 205 -442 pg below m (honours) 1 200 1 166 1 075 -63 non-subsidised 5 664 5 983 6 525 431 pg below m (pg diploma) 370 460 380 5 pg enrolment 2 876 2 928 2 854 -11 master’s graduates 163 160 180 9 pg below m (honours) 1 259 1 070 1 103 -78 doctoral graduates 23 31 38 8 pg below m (pg diploma) 713 926 769 28 sA black doctorands 8 8 8 0 master’s headcount 735 731 752 9 workload doctoral headcount 169 201 230 31 ug per senior lecturer unit 54 50 47 -3 international enrolment 1 142 1 404 1 388 123 pg per senior lecturer unit 9 9 9 0 international ug 906 1 046 1 045 70 student progress international pg 236 358 343 54 undergraduate performance Undergraduate profile module success rate 85% 85% 85% 0% Q1 and Q2 schools 37% 36% 39% 1% first-year dropout rate 15% 14% 13% -1% aPs ≥35 0 0 0 0 ug graduation rate 23% 25% 26% 2% nsfas bursary holders 2 089 4 588 7 769 2 840 % of uJ top achievers 52% 54% 54% 1% tAlent mAnAgement graduation rates Staff members 484 521 528 22 one-year degree 82% 85% 89% 3% academic staff members 339 344 360 11 three-year diploma 55% 56% 58% 1% - professors 29 27 27 -1 three-year degree 66% 64% 66% 0% - Associate professors 30 35 44 7 honours degree 79% 77% 83% 2% - senior lecturers 125 115 114 -6 master’s degree 39% 43% 33% -3% - lecturers 145 146 149 2 doctorates 21% 30% 21% 0% - Assistant lecturers 10 21 26 8 undergraduates per slu 12 13 12 0 Administrators 94 125 125 16 master’s + doctorates per slu 1 1 1 0 operations 51 52 43 -4 reseArch output Staff profile dhet publication credits 285 286 440 78 senior lecturer units 315 321 328 7 Articles 201 195 294 47 women academics 51% 50% 52% 1% Conference proceedings 44 56 80 18 professoriate 17% 16% 20% 1% Books and chapters 40 35 66 13 women in the professoriate 5% 6% 8% 2% output per senior lecturer unit 0.90 0.89 1.34 0.22 Academics (designated) 45% 46% 46% 1% nrf-rated researchers 14 17 19 3 Academics (non-designated) 42% 40% 38% -2% visiting professors 11 18 44 17 Academics (international) 12% 14% 16% 2% professors of practice 6 10 33 14 Academics with a doctorate (n) 98 114 121 12 research income (rm) R28 r46 18 Academics with a master’s (n) 170 150 150 -10 total (rm) r56 r93 r37 Chartered Accountants (n) 66 66 66 0 research (rm) r21 R28 r46 r13 budget other sources (rm) r196 r225 r212 R8 operations budget (rm) r314 r352 r464 r75 total (rm) r217 r253 r259 r21