2018 CBE Annual Report

20 College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2018 CBE Teaching and Learning PROGRAMME ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS Major shifts in the college business model, framed by the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, are being accomplished through enrolment planning and the application of technology in teaching and learning. Curriculum amendments have been made to various modules in a range of programmes to take into account technological advancements. Ten programmes received accreditation from the Council on Higher Education (CHE), and ten were registered by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) in 2018. This was partly achieved as a result of continuous programme reviews; the CBE Programme Qualification Mix (PQM) responds dynamically to the complex and evolving world of business and economics. Factors, such as the need for economic and environment sustainability, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and decoloniality, are of critical importance in determining the nature and scope of our PQM. In 2018, eight CBE subsidised programmes were part of a pilot project on a proposed new quality review framework, expected to be completed in 2019. Several short learning programmes in the Centre for Competition Regulation and Economic Development (CCRED) were reviewed in 2018. At the same time, a number of programmes, in online and contact modes and ranging from higher certificates to master’s degree offerings, were submitted for accreditation in 2018. Some 30 CBE programmes are accredited by international institutions. PROFESSOR MARITA PIETERSEN CBE Teaching and Learning is overseen by Prof Sivan Chetty, Vice-Dean: Teaching and Learning, supported by Prof Marita Pietersen, Head: Quality Assurance. PROFESSOR SIVAN CHETTY Programmes 10 RECEIVED ACCREDITATION FROM THE CHE Programmes 30 ARE ACCREDITED BY INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Programmes 10 WERE REGISTERED BY SAQA