2017 CBE Annual Report

College of Business and Economics Annual Report 2017 46 UJ is a great academic institution that equips eager minds with the skills and tools necessary to think critically. UJ is also filled with diversity, which is great in understanding the landscape of South Africa that serves well when entering the corporate world. ABED TAU • Co-founder of Thamani Consulting, a Financial Advisory Firm based in Johannesburg. Employs 20 people. Thamani Services SMME and large business. • Co-founder and CEO Tuta-Me, Tuta-Me is an EdTech business having a national footprint. Tuta-Me delivers both contact and online education in the form of tutoring and digital education. Tuta-Me employs 10 full-time staff and has over 9 000 learners registered on the platform and 2 500 tutors, countrywide. • Co-founder Silicon Maboneng, Silicon Maboneng is a tech development business based in Johannesburg. Silicon develops apps and systems for SMMEs and big business to make their visions come alive and to add efficiencies to the businesses. Silicon employs five software engineers EXCEPTIONAL ALUMNI