2017 CBE Annual Report

College of Business and Economics Annual Report 2017 35 Investment Management’s knowledge creation was disrupted last year because of the split of the original Department of Finance and Investment Management when the College of Business and Economics was launched. The Journal of Finance and Economics (JEF) was part of the old Department of Finance and Investment Management, however, the journal moved to the School of Accounting in the College of Business and Economics. The MCom Finance coursework programme was also moved to the School of Accounting, which drastically affected the Department’s knowledge creation process. This change however, has created opportunities for the new Department of Finance and Investment Management. The Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management’s Centre for Work Performance governs research produced by the Department’s three programmes in Human Resource Management, Industrial Psychology and Leadership. The Department owns the SA Journal of Industrial Psychology and the SA Journal of Human Resource Management. Prof Jackie Walters head the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS) (Africa) as the Director of the Institute. The Institute has five focus areas: Research (internal and commissioned research), Master’s and doctoral research, The Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management (JTSCM) that serves as a vehicle for the publication of transport and supply chain management research, Conferences and information sessions, and Customised training courses. TALENT MANAGEMENT The JBS is resourced with the equivalent of 97 Senior Lecturer Units (SLUs). A SLU is the salary budget of the JBS divided by the average salary of a Senior Lecturer in the College and provides for interpretation of productivity across the College. Of all academic staff, 49% represent designated groups and 5% have been recruited internationally. Within the JBS, women of African, Indian or Coloured origin represent 19% of all academic staff. About 39% of the JBS academic staff holds doctorates, and real progress is being made by lecturers to pursue and complete their doctorates, with substantial support offered by management. The workload stands at 54 full-time equivalents per SLU, which matches the College average of 54. Undergraduate output is recorded at 13 graduates per Senior Lecturer Unit (the College average = 14), honours and postgraduate diplomas at four graduates per Senior Lecturer Unit (College = 4), master’s at 1,00 (College average = 0,60) and doctoral output at 0,07 (College average at 0,04). While the JBS tends to score above the College average, with new programmes emerging, and the orientation toward business school outputs and throughput, there is a real drive to push these averages yet further. SOCIAL RESPONSIVENESS Projects on transformation largely include capacitybuilding initiatives aimed at bringing about greater access in certain disciplines. Some important programmes in this regard include: • Enactus UJ, a student organisation that promotes community service learning • Enactus UJ had a high impact last year when it embarked on five broad projects involving farmers, sewing cooperatives, spaza shops, Grade 11 young entrepreneurs in two schools, and refugees. The students conducted a needs analysis and came up with turnaround strategies for the businesses.