SCiiS Newsletter | Vol 12 - June 2023

22 Retail lecturers attend intensive capacitation programme at Woolworths Northgate From 27 to 30 March 2023, lecturers in Retail from the Department of Marketing Management, Ms Semona Pillay and Ms Mariette Frazer, attended an intensive five-day lecturer capacitation programme designed by the W&R Retail Seta. The programme aims to enhance the practical knowledge of lecturers who teach Retail. They spent the last week of March at Woolworths Northgate, where they gained valuable insights into all areas of managing a retail store. The programme covered topics such as operations management, inventory management, asset and risk management, customer service, staffing, and cash office management. The lecturers were impressed by the comprehensive nature of the programme and the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals in the field. During their visit to Woolworths Northgate, they engaged with several members of the passionate and dedicated team, and gained practical knowledge that they could apply in their teachings. Speaking about the experience, Pillay and Frazer highly recommended the programme to any lecturer looking to enhance their understanding of the retail industry. They expressed their gratitude to Woolworths Northgate for hosting them and to the W&R Retail Seta for providing such a valuable learning experience. IDIA Conference 2023 -2024 Committee On 17 January 2023, Dr Patrick Ndayizigamiye and Dr Stella Bvuma were nominated and accepted to be part of the International Development Informatics Association (IDIA) conference 2023-2024 committee. The IDIA conference provides a platform for scholars, academics, and IT practitioners to discuss new developments in the context of the paradigm shift from ICT4D to ‘digitalfor-development’. This conference is being organised and hosted by the University of Mpumalanga’s School of Computing and Mathematical Science and the University of Johannesburg’s Department of Applied Information Systems. IKM Department celebrate Africa Day The Information and Knowledge Management (IKM) Department decided to celebrate Africa Day in style on 25 May 2023. Staff members were asked to team up and cook traditional African meals to share after a departmental meeting. The starter was an Ethiopian ensemble, while one main course was chicken curry with pancakes (Cape Malay’ style). A second main course was tlhakwane (pork trotters) and mogodu (tripe) served with pap. The desserts were home-made custard and melktert (milk tart). The feast was shared over stories. The IKM departmental culture continues to thrive through sharing such memories and occasions.