SCiiS Newsletter | Vol 12 - June 2023

2 Message from the Director As I write this final newsletter as Director of the School, I am filled with a myriad of reflections on our remarkable six-year journey. The memories we have created, the challenges we have conquered, and the milestones we have achieved will be forever cherished. As I prepare to pass the baton to my successor, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each one of you for your dedication, support, and commitment to our shared vision. Like many others before, this newsletter reflects on the semester we are closing. It is a celebration of the results of our shared passion for knowledge, innovation, and transformative education. Highlights include the following: ƒ The introduction of our ground-breaking Master’s degree in Applied Data Science: Recognising the growing demand for professionals skilled in harnessing the power of data, we have meticulously designed this programme to equip students with the expertise to navigate the complex world of data and to become leaders in data-driven business decision-making. We have assembled a stellar team of experienced local and international faculty members whose wealth of knowledge, industry experience, and commitment to excellence will serve as invaluable resources to inspire and guide the next generation of data science leaders in business. We have forged strong partnerships with industry leaders and organisations at the forefront of data science innovation. These collaborations will give our students access to industry projects, ensuring that their learning experience remains current and relevant to the rapidly evolving data landscape. ƒ The launch of the University of Johannesburg and W&RSETA Youth Employment Pilot Project: This pilot project is specifically designed to uplift 100 unemployed youth by providing them with skills development opportunities that will improve their prospects of finding permanent employment in the wholesale and retail sector. This collaboration with the W&RSETA exemplifies the strength of academia–industry partnerships. Together we have embarked on a path that will bring hope to countless young individuals seeking meaningful careers. ƒ Celebration of the outstanding accomplishments of our esteemed individual faculty members: It is with immense pride and joy that we celebrate with Dr Stella Bvuma, Head of the Department of Applied Information Systems, on her being the winner of the prestigious ‘Women in Technology’ award at the 2023 Women of Stature South Africa awards ceremony. This remarkable recognition will inspire all who are working hard to break barriers and to lead the way for women in technology. In addition, we applaud Dr Sithembiso Khumalo of the Department of Information and Knowledge Management and Dr Kwete Nyandongo of the Department of Applied Information Systems, who have both attained their doctoral degrees. I invite you to read these and many other inspiring stories in this edition of our School newsletter. As my term of office ends, it is stories like these that fill me with optimism for the future. I am confident that the spirit of excellence that defines our School will continue to flourish under its new leadership! With deepest appreciation, Prof. Mercy Mpinganjira Prof. Mercy Mpinganjira Director: School of Consumer Intelligence and Information Systems