29 Visiting professors Clarivate’s much-cited researchers Three distinguished visiting professors (DVPs) in SCiiS have received significant accolades on Clarivate’s Highly Cited Researchers 2022 list (click HERE to view), which identifies researchers who have demonstrated significant influence through the publication of multiple papers that are frequently cited by their peers. Prof. Samuel Fosso Wamba is a DVP at the Department of Applied Information Systems. He has recently been recognised as the most influential scholar in big data analytics and enterprises, based on the number of published articles and citations, and among the 2% of the most influential scholars in the world, based on the Mendeley database, which includes 100,000 top scientists. He ranks in Clarivate’s 1% most cited scholars in the world for 2020, from the ‘Highly Cited Researchers’ list. He ranks in CDO magazine’s Leading Academic Data Leaders 2021. Furthermore, his current Google Scholar h-index is 62, with 19,102 citations. Prof. Nripendra P. Rana, a DVP at the Department of Marketing Management, has been ranked as the best rising star in sciences in the Qatar 2022 rankings, with an h-index of 53, 13 305 citations, and 244 publications. Prof. Linda Hollebeek, who will be joining the Department of Marketing Management as a DVP on 1 January 2023, has been chosen to be among the elite group of scholars for her exceptional research influence, based on her multiple highly-cited research papers, which ranked in the top 1% by citations in our field of study in the Web of Science. Hats off to our distinguished visiting professors! We look forward to a continuing and productive journey with you.