18 Staff news Staff qualifications! Well done to Dr Mthobisi Nhlabathi, lecturer in the Department of Marketing Management; Dr Sithembiso Khumalo, lecturer and Deputy Head: CEP & Online in the Department of Information and Knowledge Management; Dr Martha Winter, administrator; and Dr Tino Museba, lecturer in the Department of Applied Information Systems, on attaining their Doctor of Philosophy degrees. Dr Nhlabathi obtained his PhD in Marketing at the University of the Witwatersrand, and his thesis, entitled Predictors of rental preference among Generation Y: A case of Sandton, South Africa, was prepared under the supervision of Dr Freddy Mgiba and Dr Neo Ligaraba (both academic staff at Wits). Dr Khumalo qualified for his PhD in Information Management at the University of Johannesburg, and his thesis, Strategic information management system for commercialisation dynamics of entrepreneurial universities, was prepared under the supervision of Prof. Tanya du Plessis. Dr Winter obtained her PhD in Sociology at the University of Johannesburg, and her thesis, entitled Marriage, gender, and international labour migration: A comparison of immigrant and transnational Malawian couples in South Africa, was prepared under the supervision of Prof. Grace Khunou and Prof. Kezia Batsai. Last, Dr Museba qualified for his PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Science at the University of Johannesburg ,and his thesis, Adaptive machine learning algorithms for streaming data associated with concept drift, was prepared under the supervision of Prof. .Fulufhelo Vincent Nelwamondo and Prof. Khmaies Ouahada. Department of Marketing Management maintains its number one spot, five years in a row! The Department of Marketing Management was ranked number one in South Africa and in Africa for research in the field of Marketing Management. The department was first ranked number one in 2019 after a review of Scopus and Web of Science data, and has impressively maintained their first position five years in row!