THRIVE Magazine December 2024

THRIVE ISSUE 5 DECEMBER 2024 29 The Maslow Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa September 1-5, 2025 Conference co-organised by the University of Johannesburg and the University of Oulu, Finland. Tourism is considered as a highly resilient industry. Since the 1950s, global tourism has been on a constant growth path that has made the industry one of the world's largest economic sectors. As a result, tourism's global and regional economic impacts have become extremely important. Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic changed temporally the course of tourism growth and development, indicating that the sector can be highly vulnerable to external pressures and shocks. Research has also demonstrated that the sector can be vulnerable to many other processes and impacts in its’ local and regional operations and settings. These impacts include climate change (e.g. droughts, heatwaves), natural disasters (e.g. floods), and economic and geopolitical changes, for example. All this has activated a need for improved understanding of a recovery process, in order to build better resilience and good governance for the future industry and tourism-dependent communities. Ideally, resilience building would help the industry to undergo recovery transitions in a sustainable manner and cope and adapt to future changes. This transformation calls for developments and sustainability innovations in tourism research, education, learning, training, development policies, strategies and governance. This conference, co-organised by the School of Tourism and Hospitality, University of Johannesburg, and the University of Oulu, will focus on sustainable pathways for transforming the tourism industry, and its’ community and environmental relations in the context of recovery and resilience building. For more information email: CALL FOR PAPERS The Second International Conference From Recovery to Resilience in Tourism: Sustainable Pathways for Transforming the Industry and its’ Community and Environmental Relations Co-Chaired by: Prof Tembi Tichaawa & Prof Jarkko Saarinen